
  • 网络使标准化;清洁


cause to conform to standard or norm
The weights and measures were standardized
Synonym: standardize
evaluate by comparing with a standard
Synonym: standardize


  1. There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer


  2. The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise , to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones .


  3. They need support to standardise market practices .


  4. Perfect Mechanism And Standardise Management To Create Favourable Conditions For Projects Reaching Set Standards And Going Into Production


  5. Germany has also tightened up its examination system in the past decade , to help standardise results .


  6. For example , many are cooperating with international regulatory agents to standardise their practices in a global market .


  7. Select and standardise e-government operating mode ;


  8. Mr Li says cleaning up place names will strengthen and standardise cultural protection , and promote China 's cultural heritage .


  9. Either the industry must standardise the exchange of data , which would take a lot of time , or we establish an open system that can .


  10. Therefore , a conceptual framework is important and necessary to standardise corporate environmental reporting practice and ensure the quality of corporate environmental reports .


  11. And although the new law should standardise practices throughout the country , it will inevitably be interpreted differently in every region .


  12. Standardise the deductions at about the Canadian level .


  13. Large water management , irrigation and dam projects are complex and difficult to standardise , making procurement lucrative and manipulation difficult to detect .


  14. Mr Li says " cleaning up " place names will " strengthen and standardise cultural protection , " and promote China 's cultural heritage .


  15. Before invoking the stylesheet transformation , the compute node Standardise slightly alters the captured WSDL document .


  16. It took a good deal of effort and argument to get foundries to standardise barrels and ancillary equipment , even in one country .


  17. But regulators could require the industry to standardise what ratings mean , instead of every ratings agency having its own complicated nomenclature .


  18. This study begin with a thoroughly research about CTT network , according to detailed topology planning about the network structure reform to arrange network logically and standardise network structure .


  19. The proposals follow agreement by G20 leaders last year to standardise derivatives trading and move them on to exchanges or electronic trading platforms where appropriate .


  20. The Asian CDS market is the latest to adopt new conventions to standardise the market , in a move that is key for the introduction of clearing .


  21. Throughout China 's long and turbulent history , the nation 's emperors and rulers have been driven by a desire to unite the country and to standardise speech as a powerful policy lever .


  22. Facebook said the change to email visibility settings had been made to standardise the experience of all of its users , adding : We want people to use whatever [ email ] service works best for them .


  23. Second , there is a strong desire to standardise products so that markets can deepen , which often accelerates the rate of adoption beyond the capacity of the back office and the regulators to keep up .


  24. As defaults rise and increasing numbers of companies look to restructure their debts , the CDS market has been trying to standardise what constitutes an event that allows investors to trigger pay-outs under their contracts .


  25. The simultaneous release allows all projects to standardise on a particular set of dependencies ; useful when later projects depend on earlier ones ( such as JDT depending on Platform , or Mylyn on EMF ) .


  26. Once the articles of association have taken effect , it shall become a legally binding document to standardise the organisation and activities of the company , the rights and obligations between the company and its shareholders , and among its shareholders .


  27. Shakespeare also pioneered innovative use of grammatical form and structure - including verse without rhymes , superlatives and the connecting of existing words to make new words , like bloodstained - while the pre-eminence of his plays also did much to standardise spelling and grammar .
