
美 [stɑːmps]英 [stɒmps]
  • v.迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动)
  • stomp的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB (常指因生气而)跺着脚走,迈着重重的步伐
    If you stomp somewhere, you walk there with very heavy steps, often because you are angry.

    He turned his back on them and stomped off up the hill...


  1. This one ends the world , stomps on it , grinds it up and spits it out .


  2. The elephant then stomps on the lion till it looks like corn tortilla and ambles away .


  3. But then they turn into stomps .


  4. Hark to our stomps on the ground !


  5. As Walter amasses his fortune , he stomps on everyone who gets in his way & or at least crosses paths with him .


  6. She stomps around and yells , and Bobby , one of the boys in her class , has gotten on her bad side by throwing a paper airplane .


  7. A man in a white coat rushes to the head of the line , grabs his food and stomps ( v. ) over to a table by himself .


  8. It 's one thing when class mechanics make a stat less optimal for you . It 's another when a talent totally stomps over a stat that shows up on a lot of gear .


  9. In the " Zheng Concerto " the players are not only playing their own instruments , but also contributing stomps , yips , yells sighs and hand-slaps , sometimes in imitation of Eastern instruments .


  10. That vanguard attitude , though , isn 't to be found on " 1989 , " which is largely filled with upbeat , tense songs on which the singer stomps out much of whatever was left of her youthful innocence .
