street person

Everyone has seen a street person , unkempt , probably ill-fed ,
A rain , umbrella , a street , a person to walk .
So , I was running away with the city in every street , every person , each face !
Along the street , a person to walk in the rain at a loss , dim the lights my lonely figure drawing allowed length .
But is a Wall Street whizz the best person to run a wholesale and retail bank that employs 350000 people ?
Along with at night people increasing which moves on the walking street , has the person property the security event which encroaches also day by day to increase .
Quidam , a nameless passerby , a solitary figure lingering on a street corner , a person rushing past , a person who lives lost amidst the crowd in an all-too-anonymous society .
I finally backed down because I met a man on Wall Street , a very prominent Wall Street person , and he said ," You know , my son started to take your course . "