
The function strncpy ( 3 ) can also be used to copy only a part of the source string into the destination .
The example has an implementation of strncpy , where the source and destination strings are checked first , respectively , to be readable and writable .
Both strncpy ( 3 ) and strncat ( 3 ) require that you give the amount of space left , not the total size of the buffer .
The correct way to do this would be to use the strncpy () function instead of strcpy (), and give the maximum number of bytes to copy as BUFSIZ-1 .
The function strncpy ( 3 ) also doesn 't NUL-terminate its destination if the source string is at least as long as the destination ; this can cause havoc later .
This means that switching from strcpy ( 3 ) to strncpy ( 3 ) can reduce performance & often not a serious problem on today 's computers , but it can still be a nuisance .
Memcpy () joins the ranks of other popular functions like strcpy , strncpy , strcat , strncat which were banned due to their security vulnerability through buffer overruns .
In theory , strncpy ( 3 ) is the safe replacement for strcpy ( 3 ), but strncpy ( 3 ) also fills the entire destination with NULs once the end of the source string has been met .
Then , we 'll discuss two examples of the static approach ( standard C strncpy / strncat and OpenBSD 's strlcpy / strlcat ), followed by two examples of the dynamic approach ( SafeStr and C + + 's std : : string ) .