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美 [ˌsʌbˈpɑːr]英 [ˌsʌbˈpɑː(r)]
  • adj.低于标准的;不到一般(或预期)水平的


especially NAmE不到一般(或预期)水平的;低于标准的
below a level of quality that is usual or expected

a subpar performance


  1. However , the Fed was relatively bullish about US growth in 2008 and 2009 , saying " the subpar economic growth projected in the near term was not anticipated to persist " .


  2. Today , taking a picture with a phone simply isn 't a subpar experience .


  3. China 's economy is slowing , as is the eurozone led by subpar German demand .


  4. It will just take months from their lives and they will generally have done a subpar job .


  5. The company doesn 't slash prices or create subpar products to meet less affluent consumers in emerging markets halfway .


  6. Despite generally subpar income generation , private consumption soared to a record 72 per cent of real gross domestic product in 2007 .


  7. Dentists , doctors , nurses and even librarians work in the local municipality , preventing a subpar prison standard from developing .


  8. Suffering through a performance review can be uncomfortable in the best of circumstances - let alone when your performance has been judged subpar .


  9. And so she 's had to settle for what she considers to be subpar pumps .


  10. The lack of public transit information is one of the many reasons Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized for its subpar Maps app in 2012 .


  11. Our insistence on dotting every I and crossing every T breeds inefficiency , causing major delays , stress overload and subpar results .


  12. In Hollywood action movies , directors mask their actors " subpar fighting skills with shaky camera moves and extreme close-ups .


  13. A torn ACL ( Anterior Cruciate Ligament ) , almost two missed seasons , numerous rehab attempts and a subpar season later .


  14. Some investment strategists say we could be in for an extended period of hibernation for consumers and , as a result , a lower economy and subpar corporate profits .


  15. But if you really like the job or need it as a steppingstone in your career , you will have to learn to deal with your subpar superior .


  16. An editorial related to the studies pointed out that other research has come to similar conclusions about subpar medical treatment of rude patients , and warned doctors to be aware of the problem .


  17. Transit has been a long time coming . The lack of public transit information is one of the many reasons Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized for its subpar Maps app in 2012 .


  18. Furthermore , giving you this responsibility would place him in an awkward position should you end up doing a subpar job - he can fire a cleaning person , but he can 't fire his girlfriend .


  19. In the near term , the performance of the EM world as a whole will depend most on China and whether the Chinese economy reacts to policy stimulus rather than entering a prolonged adjustment accompanied by subpar growth .


  20. Investors pushed global stock markets to post-crisis highs yesterday even as the IMF warned that the world faces years of slow and subpar growth , highlighting the contrast between buoyant traders and cautious policy makers .


  21. And the Harvard scientists estimated in 2011 that sleep deprivation costs U.S. companies $ 63.2 billion in lost productivity per year , mainly because of ' presenteeism , ' people showing up for work but operating at subpar levels .


  22. Unless countries come together to take the right kind of policy measures , we could be facing years of slow and subpar growth – well below the solid , sustainable growth that is needed to create enough jobs and improve living standards into the future .


  23. Aside from athletes being robbed , subpar accommodations , feces in the water , and the Russian doping scandals , one of the big stories of the 2016 Rio Olympics is that you can 't catch any Pok é mon in Brazil .
