- n.消耗;大前提

Based on this sumption and the project of Shanghai Metro Shield Machine : " Assistant System Research of Intelligent Shield Machine ", this thesis does a prophase systematic research about the application of GPR to shielded tunnel boring machine 's frontal detection .
Compared with another algorithm based on distance by experiment , the new algorithm has an obvious superiority in detection precision and time con - sumption .
It shows that REAM is a welding method which has stability , high efficiency and low-con - sumption features .
We are making the sumption that all vampires are as evil as they 've been characterized ,
Because the temperature gradient indoor is too large for heating system of big workshop , it is made its heat sumption to increase and energy to lavish .
The paper proposes the converting of the con sumption styles in Chinese cities and the establishment of consumption style cor responding to the ecological environment .
The reason why lopsided cultural con sumption come into being due to many reasons , such as money worship overflowing , vulgarity of cultural market and variation of social behavior .
The traditional mainstream finance theory is based on western economics and investor logos , as the core as - sumption , runs through it , but different models define logos differently .
With the as - sumption that the subsystems are Hurwitz stable and Schur stable , if the average dwell time is properly large , the switched system can be made stable .
When the burning ratio of fuel introduced to the calcinator and the firing hood is properly controled , the heat con - sumption of the clinker can be decreased .
Lord Neuberger , the Master of the Rolls and one of the three-member panel that made the ruling , watered down his opinion at the request of the Foreign Office 's counsel , Jonathan Sumption .
" FMD is a virus that propagates incredibly quickly & when it discovers a new niche where there is no immunity among animals , it just rips through them ," says FAO expert Keith Sumption .
In this paper we propose a new metric , and we de - scribe novel OLSR - based route selection mechanisms whose main design objective is to prolong the lifetime of nodes with low remaining battery capacity and to reduce the energy con - sumption per packet .