supercooled water

美 [ˌsupərˈkuld ˈwɔːtər]英 [ˈsjuːpəkuːld ˈwɔːtə(r)]
  • 网络过冷水;过冷
supercooled watersupercooled water
  1. Numerical Simulation of Supercooled Water Droplets Impingement on Icing Surfaces


  2. Compared with traditional supercooled water ice production system , there is no ice blockage and its ice production efficiency is improved .


  3. Research and development status in dynamic freezing of supercooled water in Japan


  4. Prospects of the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water


  5. Studies on randomness and nucleation rate of supercooled water freezing from homogeneous nucleation


  6. The investigation on mechanisms of nucleation in supercooled water fog triggered by supersonic airflow


  7. In high-altitude clouds , supercooled water droplets are widespread .


  8. To raise the freezing temperature of supercooled water in encapsulated ice storage requires some additives into the water .


  9. In the end , prospects of the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water were shown by analyzing its principles .


  10. Analyses the influence factors of the system stable running , supercooled water formation and ice generating effect , and gives explanations on their mechanism .


  11. The experimental results show that the supercooled water droplet life time and the frozen droplet diameter decrease with decreasing surface temperature or air temperature .


  12. The droplets effective radius of high supercooled water area increased with the increasing cloud height in the bottom of Sc and As .


  13. Two dimensional images show that graupel is the main ice particles in the cold layer , which implies that supercooled water is adequate ;


  14. The supercooled water content is 0 . 16g . m-3 . Prospects of the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water


  15. But there is steam that can form nature rainfall and a quite good supercooled water area of rainfall cloud system that exists potential of seeding cloud and increasing precipitation .


  16. When the droplets are all supercooled water , the vapor of air is saturated with respect to water , and the relative humidity is 100 % ;


  17. When facing the cold weather and there being a lot of supercooled water droplets above the sea , as the first step inertial stage , it will encounter icing .


  18. By analyzing the merits and disadvantages of different ice-making techniques , it was proved that the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water has higher ice-making and energy efficiencies .


  19. After seeding artificial ice crystals , more hail embryos were formed through conversion of ice crystals to graupels , which competed with the supercooled water .


  20. This paper also works out the amount of catalyst which is allowed in the cloud nucleation layer according to the different quantity of the supercooled water , the density of the supersaturation of the vapor with respect to ice .


  21. The experimental investigation on mechanisms of nucleation of ice crystals in supercooled water fog triggered by supersonic airflow is carried out . Various parameters of airflow which influence the generation of ice crystals have been measured carefully .


  22. This designed dynamic ice storage system using the ice making obturator by supercooled water is combined with a cryogenic machine , a ice Making obturator , a supercooled heat exchanger , a ice storage tank and a pump .


  23. This paper researched the superheated steam critical flow and supercooled water cavitation flow in the nuclear safety relief valve by the CFD software , CFX . The results are useful for the structure design and optimization of safety relief valves .


  24. The dimensionless equation of collection coefficient is firstly proposed by dimensional analysis showing that the collection coefficient is related to the Reynold 's number of supercooled water droplet movement and the ration of wire diameter to droplet diameter .


  25. The average is 0.16 g / m3 from King , the spring slightly higher than the autumn . The supercooled water content of cloud is very different , with the different stages or parts of development of the cloud system , and different precipitation cloud type .


  26. The ice crystal locates in the upper level , and below it there is snow and graupel , the cloud water and rain water is in the low level of the cloud . Ice phase particles and supercooled water exist in the same area above 0 ℃ level .


  27. The dependence of the probability of the supercooled water freezing from homogeneous nucleation on the volume , time and temperature was deduced based on the continuum model of water structure put forward by Stanley and Teixeira . The homogeneous nucleation rate of supercooled water freezing was then calculated .


  28. Mesoscale numerical forecast for supercooled cloud water in convective cloud of South China & the main meteorological factor responsible for aircraft icing


  29. Numerical Simulation of Hail Formation and Growth in a Storm with Low Supercooled Rain Water Content and the Effect of AgI Seeding on Hail Suppression


  30. The hail suppression mechanism was also studied : the number of artificial ice increased with seeding , but the content of supercooled rain water decrease with ice consuming .
