
美 [swɪŋz]英 [swɪŋz]
  • v.(使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡;(使)弧线运动,转弯,转动;荡向;纵身跃向;悬吊到
  • n.摆动;转动;秋千;改变;挥动;强劲节奏;改变的程度
  • swing的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    V-ERG (使)摆动;(使)摇摆;(使)摇荡
    If something swings or if you swing it, it moves repeatedly backwards and forwards or from side to side from a fixed point.

    The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other...


  • 2
    V-ERG (使)成弧线运动;(使)转动;(使)转弯
    If something swings in a particular direction or if you swing it in that direction, it moves in that direction with a smooth, curving movement.

    The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching...


  • 3
    V-ERG (使)急转弯;(使)突然转向
    If a vehicle swings in a particular direction, or if the driver swings it in a particular direction, they turn suddenly in that direction.

    Joanna swung back on to the main approach and headed for the airport...


  • 4
    VERB (通常指人因受惊)急转身
    If someone swings around, they turn around quickly, usually because they are surprised.

    She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it.


  • 5
    VERB (挥动手臂等)朝…打去;朝…挥击;挥向
    If you swing at a person or thing, you try to hit them with your arm or with something that you are holding.

    Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed...


  • 6
    N-COUNT 秋千
    A swing is a seat hanging by two ropes or chains from a metal frame or from the branch of a tree. You can sit on the seat and move forwards and backwards through the air.

  • 7
    N-UNCOUNT 摇摆乐(流行于 20 世纪 30 年代的爵士舞曲)
    Swing is a style of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930's. It was played by big bands.

  • 8
    N-COUNT (意见、态度或感情的)改变;(尤指)突变,巨变
    A swing in people's opinions, attitudes, or feelings is a change in them, especially a sudden or big change.

    There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats...


  • 9
    VERB (意见、态度或感情)改变;(尤指)突然转变,完全改变
    If people's opinions, attitudes, or feelings swing, they change, especially in a sudden or extreme way.

    In two years' time there is a presidential election, and the voters could swing again...


  • 10
    N-COUNT (政治家等的)巡回,巡视,巡游
    If someone such as a politician makes a swing through a particular country or area, they go on a quick trip through it, visiting a number of different places.

    ...a campaign swing through South Dakota and Texas.


  • 11
    PHRASE 在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段
    If something is in full swing, it is operating fully and is no longer in its early stages.

    When we returned, the party was in full swing and the dance floor was crowded...


  • 12
    PHRASE 融入;完全投入;对…乐在其中
    If you get into the swing of something, you become very involved in it and enjoy what you are doing.

    Everyone understood how hard it was to get back into the swing of things after such a long absence.


  • 13
    PHRASE 热闹有趣;气氛热烈
    If you say that something is going with a swing, you mean that it is lively and exciting.

    Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.


  • 14
    PHRASE 有得必有失
    If you say that a situation is swings and roundabouts, you mean that there are as many gains as there are losses.

  • 15
    no room to swing a cat→ see:cat

  1. First , the author aims at the swings engine principle of work to analysis and design .


  2. Next , in view of swings the piston engine overall structure to carry on the design .


  3. I 'll swing by your house on the way home from work .


  4. When we arrived the party was already in full swing .


  5. I managed to swing them round to my point of view .


  6. The game could swing either way .


  7. Voting showed a 10 % swing to Labour .


  8. We 're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight .


  9. The kids were playing on the swings .


  10. Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug .


  11. He is liable to abrupt mood swings .


  12. If you earn more , you pay more in tax , so it 's all swings and roundabouts .


  13. Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning .


  14. There will be a radical swing to the right or the left .


  15. Keeping your back straight , swing one leg backwards .


  16. The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment .


  17. Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing .


  18. Swing the club back until it is horizontal .


  19. That 's more like it , you 're getting into the swing of things now .


  20. Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes


  21. In two years ' time there is a presidential election , and the voters could swing again


  22. The international rugby season is in full swing .


  23. The wind had made the door swing closed , and she was now locked out .


  24. The wheel of fortune will swing round again ; in politics , it always does


  25. When we returned , the party was in full swing and the dance floor was crowded


  26. Everyone understood how hard it was to get back into the swing of things after such a long absence .


  27. Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings .


  28. There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it


  29. Sara Lewis ' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing .


  30. You must allow the clubhead to swing freely .
