t'ai chi

  • 网络太极;太极拳
t'ai chit'ai chi


a Chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation and balance and health
Synonym: tai chi t'ai chi chuan tai chi chuan taichi taichichuan


  1. A : In most cases , things are not just as what you see from the outside . T'ai Chi is not so hard as you imagine but you need to be persistent enough .


  2. A : Why not find another way out instead ? You may consider having sports , and Chinese T'ai Chi could be a way . I 've been practicing it for a few months and now I feel more energetic.Would you like to have a try ?


  3. For the last few years I have practised T'ai Chi , an ancient , meditative martial art that names many of its postures for animals such as monkeys , cranes and tigers .
