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美 [ˈtɑrtərz]英 [ˈtɑːtəz]
  • n.牙垢;牙石;暴君;脾气暴躁的掌权者
  • tartar的复数



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 牙垢;牙石
    Tartar is a hard yellowish substance that forms on your teeth and causes them to decay if it is not removed.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 凶悍的人,脾气暴戾的人;(尤指)悍妇
    If you describe someone, especially a woman in a position of authority, as a tartar, you mean that they are fierce, bad-tempered, and strict.

    She can be quite a tartar.


  • 3
    See also:cream of tartar

  1. Tartars and Their States in Central Asia Grassland Before 12th Century


  2. The Tartars employed another weapon , the so-called Chinese dragon belching fire .


  3. The Rising and Development of Liao : The Khitan Tartars were an old normadic nationality from the northern China .


  4. His eastern policies mainly focused on alliances with Tartars of Mongolia , aiming to consolidate its position of power within Rus and gain stable status during the fight against the West .


  5. Having lost their homelands to the Mongol Horde , these Volga Tartars have made their way to Lithuania , where they now look to establish a new society .


  6. The Bandaging Great Wall which is constructional in Ming Dynasty , thereby fighting against Tartars who is a grouper of the downfallen Mongolia nationality nobles of Yuan Dynasty .


  7. Ivaylo , who was so poor people actually referred to him as cabbage , was a late 13th century swineherd in Bulgaria , which just so happened to be a time and place frequented by the rampaging hordes of the Tartars .


  8. Meanwhile , the Khitan and Tartars in the north became increasingly strong . The frontier commanders and the Khitan Tartars joined forces and formed a big military group , burying the seeds for a later confrontation between the Song , the Liao and the Jin .


  9. In the 2nd year of Zhenming of the Later Liang ( 916 ) , Yelu Abaoji , the chief of the Khitan Tartars , declared himself emperor and named his state Khitan , after having defeated other tribes like Cige and Died .
