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  • 网络计算机辅助设计技术;计算机辅助设计;计算机辅助工艺设计;工艺辅助设计
  1. The Tower CAD ( TCAD ) is the combination of traditional industry and information technology .


  2. Using TCAD in IC process development


  3. Optimization of design with TCAD approach for metal-gate CMOS technology and circuit


  4. Taurus WorkBench is a platform used for VDSM TCAD simulation and optimization .


  5. The TCAD approach has become one of the most important methods in design and manufacture of silicon integrated circuits and discrete devices .


  6. Over the past decade , the Utilization of technology CAD ( TCAD ) tools has become widespread in industry and academia .


  7. The appropriate LDD parameters which may depress the KINK effect are provided based on the simulated results of TCAD tools .


  8. The Simulation of C-V Transfer Characteristic AlGaN / GaN HEMT with ISE TCAD


  9. This dissertation mainly discusses the design of on-chip ESD protection units , the TCAD simulation , and the circuit-level modeling .


  10. With the development of computer science , TCAD ( Technology Computer Aided Design ) become a more and more indispensable tool in modern IC manufacturing and device investigation .


  11. Based on TCAD instrument series , the design and optimization of small-dimension bipolar high-gain transistor at technology level and physical characteristic level are realized .


  12. The Research of TCAD for AlGaN / GaN HFET


  13. All the research combines the IC technology control with the neural network , achieves the equipment model in IC technology , enriches the simulation model in the field of TCAD .


  14. The novel termination structure was simulated with TCAD ( ISE ) . Simulation results showed that the novel structure featured excellent characteristics of optimized area and breakdown voltage .


  15. A new approach of combining DOE ( Design Of Experiment ) with TCAD to optimize IC process and devices is presented , which can greatly reduce the time and cost for developing new processes .


  16. In order to reduce the cost of integrated circuit fabrication , the metal-gate complement-metal oxide semiconductor ( CMOS ) technology was developed with technology computer assistant design ( TCAD ) approach .


  17. As the feature size of Integrated Circuit reaching sub-micron , deep sub-micron and even very deep sub-micron , the parameter extraction and optimization in TCAD design are becoming more and more important .


  18. A method to exact the electrical parameters and model the second breakdown action of MOSFET 's under ESD ( Electro-Static Discharge ) on circuit-level , using TCAD simulation , is presented .


  19. With the aid of TCAD process simulation , it is believed that boron segregation which reduces the boron doping of edge cell active area is the main cause of lower programming efficiency of edge cells .


  20. Using design of experiments ( DoE ) combined with response surface methodology ( RSM ) can satisfy the great incentive to reduce the number of technology CAD ( TCAD ) simulations that need to be performed .


  21. Additionally , this paper has proposed a quick calculation method for extracting the parameters of the physics-based equation when modeling on SPICE platform . Firstly , a new material structure of RTD is proposed and simulated under TCAD environment .


  22. The advantages and some basic properties of SiC material are analyzed , DC characteristics of recessed gate SIT under the pentode-like mode , triode-like mode and bipolar mode are simulated respectively using TCAD software MEDICI .


  23. TCAD tool of DOE ( Design of Experiment ) combining with simulations for IC optimization design was implemented on a PC , some simulation software such as SUPREM , MINIMOS and PSPICE were utilized .


  24. The article gives a brief introduction of the TCAD Virtual FAB infrastructure system . In the article the author points out the position of TCAD in the IC process development and puts forward the method that using TCAD in IC new process development .


  25. Then take TWB software package of Synopsys corporation as an example , he discusses how TCAD can be used in the IC new process development . A 700V BCD process design was also given as an example to justify the method that the author has proposed .


  26. The enormous progress in computing hardware and software technology , together with significant advances in physical modeling accuracy , and speed and robustness of numerical algorithms , have made TCAD to a cost – effective albeit powerful technology that complements experimental approaches to wafer processing and metrology .
