tcl tk

This Tcl / Tk program can be improved in many ways .
A Store Separation Numerical Parallel Simulation Strategy Based on Tcl / tk Script Language
Implementation of CNC Man-machine Interface Based on Linux and Tcl / Tk
Developing linux GUI application with Tcl / Tk
This article designs and implements a Tcl / TK software to control the process of SDH test .
An Efficient Extensible GUI Development Toolkit & Tcl / Tk
Expect 's Tcl / Tk base applies across an unusually wide range of programming .
To learn more , visit the Tcl / Tk keywords list in the Resources section .
Interface between C and tcl / tk
Forth it can display statistical analysis data in the window by the curved line ( utilizing TCL / TK ) .
Understand , first , that Expect is a proper superset of the Tcl / Tk programming language .
This thesis introduces the design and development of Broadcasting Speech Corpus System , whose developing tools are Tcl / Tk and Snack .
At last , the database system was integrated into the MEMS integrated design platform ( MEMS GARDEN 3.0 ) through Tcl / Tk language .
In this thesis , C language is used as the main development language and Tcl / Tk is used in the development of the graphical user interface .
The thesis suggests that the combination of Tcl / Tk and Snack be used to develop Broadcasting Speech Corpus System by showing the realization of its labeling tool .
Tcl / Tk is a popular tool used abroad to develop linguistic software , and Snack is a sound processing toolkit working together with Tcl / Tk .
The first portion of the code uses the traditional UNIX pound-bang string ( # !) to run the Tcl / Tk interpreter known as wish .
A feasible implementation of CNC ( Computer Numerical Control ) man-machine interface using Tcl / Tk and C languages under the embedded Linux and PC / 104 Single Board Computer is discussed .
In this research topic , the primary XML database is used , the base database is constructed by XML document and Tcl / TK is used as a foreground development tool of the database .
This code cheats a little by doubling a few of the shorter lines , but you can see that Tcl / Tk is a remarkably terse language .
Tcl / Tk is a kind of tool to develop graphic user interface , which is powerful and portable , and can run on Windows , UNIX , and other operating systems .
On this basis , TCL / TK graphic interface development tools is used with parametric finite element technique to develop a special bridge crane girders parametric design and analysis system based on finite element software ANSYS .
VTK packs an amazing set of capabilities with scripting interfaces for Tcl / Tk , Java programming language , and Python in addition to C + + libraries .
This paper presents the basic features of the Tcl / Tk programming language . The system architecture is proposed and software platform for programming in the upper computer is developed using Tcl / Tk for educational robots .
By using Tcl / Tk 's powerful expr verb and the library of math code it can evaluate , the expression is solved and the results are placed in , well , the results variable .
You can accomplish the same result with a good bash shell script and attach the script to a desktop icon , but Tcl / Tk offers a significantly better interface to the GUI aspects .
Adding a button to create new articles or a button to back up all the articles to an archive would be worthy improvements , and Tcl / Tk makes it easy for you to do these things .
Many people are so enamored of the power of GUI scripting with Tcl / Tk that they have written editors , browsers , and file and desktop window managers in pure Tcl / Tk .
Three-tier architecture of the platform developed using the TCL language and TK Development Kit .