- v.摇摇欲坠;摇晃;踉跄;蹒跚行走
- teeter的第三人称单数和复数

VERB 濒临(危险的形势)
Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position.Three of the hotels are in receivership, and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy...
有 3 家宾馆已破产在管,其他几家正在破产的边缘徘徊。
VERB (人)步履蹒跚,踉踉跄跄;(物)摇摇欲坠,东倒西歪
If someone or something teeters, they shake in an unsteady way, and seem to be about to lose their balance and fall over.Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance...
While Greece teeters , one of its eurozone peers on the Iberian Peninsula is feeling a tad wobbly too .
Many have been driven to extinction , and many more now teeter on the brink .
He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell .
Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward , beginning to overbalance
I 'd like to have words with you , miss teeter .
I keep a clean building , miss teeter .
America 's economy teeters on the edge of the abyss .
They hear it crawling in the wall , miss teeter !
Dan : I just can 't get over Teeter making a policy change like that without informing me .
Without these more fundamental changes , these populations will teeter on the brink of disaster year after year .
But as the US teeters on the edge of recession , life is becoming harder for the average American .
Emotions can ruin your day , and subsequently any healthy progress you 've made , Teeter warns .
The mighty weight of the entire Milky Way teeters precariously on Balanced Rock in Arches National Park .
Seagulls teeter on the parapet in front of her , boats go by .
Tensions among the 19 countries that use the euro have mounted as Greece teeters perilously close to defaulting on its debt .
Ah yes , the US teeters on the brink of recession and her exceptional leaders consider starting a trade war with their biggest trading partner .
The world 's most charismatic carnivore teeters on the brink of extinction-but Stephen mills still has hope .
Brian finished the H-vac programme in 2007 at the top of his class , but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter .
Tempers teeter on the brink of meltdown .
So what did you do here , IDA teeter ?
Dobbs , Betty Jo Teeter . " From'Newton 's Alchemy and His Theory of Matter , ' " pp.315-24 .
She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23 , as she teeters into womanhood .
She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of23 , as she teeters into womanhood .
As Europe again teeters on the brink of disaster and the tepid US recovery lurches along , the growth slowdowns in China and India augur rough times ahead for the world economy .
In The Call to Vengeance , Qui-Gon teeters on the brink of the dark side , obsessed with taking revenge on Balog for Tahl 's death .
When you 're feeling bad , Teeter recommends paying attention to why you feel that way so you can comfort yourself in a more productive way , instead of stuffing yourself full of food until you can 't move .
Deadly clashes in Odessa point to a grim reality : with every passing day , Ukraine teeters closer to civil war between a pro-Western government in Kyiv and pro-Russian militias backed by Moscow .
Some economists inside and outside the government say China has a choice : slow down lending and accept steady declines in economic growth each year , or continue heavy lending and risk a sharp drop in economic growth someday when the financial system begins to teeter .
Naomi Teeter , the blogger behind Inspire Transformation , knew it was a priority to make working out a habit when she began her weight-loss journey -- all in all , she lost 150lbs and has managed to keep 125lbs off for seven years .
The situation teeters on the edge of outright disaster for Memphis , which owes its 2019 first-round draft pick to the Boston Celtics and has Conley , Gasol and Chandler Parsons locked up on max deals through that spring .