- n.热层

Still , the collapse of the thermosphere was bigger than the sun 's activity alone can explain .
Quasi - hourly Variation of the Night Thermosphere
Influence of Mirror Thermal Distortion in Thermosphere to Space-to-Ground Laser Communication Links
On the vertical dynamic transport and its effects in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere
The study of the heating processes in stratosphere , mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Effects of Atmospheric Gravity Waves on the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Circulations
New results of abnormal change of the thermosphere atmospheric composition observed by " sz-4 " atmospheric composition detector during geomagnetic disturbances
The Quasi 16-day Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at Wuhan
The thermosphere , which blocks harmful ultraviolet rays , expands and contracts regularly due to the sun 's activities .
Recent empirical models of the thermosphere are found to be deficient in capturing most of the latitude dependencies discovered in our data .
The thermosphere interacts strongly with the sun and hence is greatly influenced by the sun 's solar activity , which occurs in cycles .
The temperature decreases sharply in mesosphere while it increases quickly in lower thermosphere . The mesopause is the coldest place in the atmosphere .
Storm-time Joule heating of auroral thermosphere and ionization depletion in the F-region ── eiscat radar observation
Was he in the troposphere , stratosphere , mesosphere or thermosphere ?
The following main conclusions are gotten as follows : 1 . The lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide at middle and lower - thermosphere over Wuhan varies with season and height .
The shrinkage in the thermosphere , normally occurring during a solar minimum , has not recovered from the solar minimum of2007-2009 but is in fact worse .
Finished fundamentals research in Doppler interferometer measuring vector wind , which is prior preparation of measuring the winds , temperatures in the mesosphere and thermosphere region of the atmosphere on satellite .
The variation of Chapman 's function in a realistic model atmosphere due to high temperature gradient , molecular and eddy diffusion transport , gravity field as well as solar activity is computed and discussed for the lower thermosphere .
Atmospheric gravity wave ( AGW ) is one of the fundamental waves in the atmosphere , which play a very important role in influencing the dynamics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere ( MLT ) region .
The ionosphere is strongly coupled with the other regions in the solar-terrestrial system , including the sun , the interplanetary medium , the magnetosphere , the thermosphere , and the mesosphere .
In the course of acoustic-gravity wave ( AGW ) propagation , a coupling relation between the ozone density oscillations ( ODO ) and temperature fluctuations ( TF ) in the lower thermosphere is presented .
This article describes the mechanism of electromagnetic waves propagation in the thermosphere , the critical frequency and peak height of each layer will be predicted . Ionospheric absorption loss characteristics and ionospheric echoes of high frequency surface wave radar will be discussed .
Polar ionosphere is especially structured and coupled with magnetosphere via convection electric field , particle precipitation and field-aligned current . It plays an important role in the coupling processes among the solar wind , magnetosphere , ionosphere and thermosphere .
The lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide at middle and lower thermosphere ( MLT ) over Wuhan has seasonal and height variations . Both of the eastward and northward components of the lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide reach the maximum values in January , and during July-August , there is secondary peak .