tighten your belt

美 [ˈtaɪtn jʊr belt]英 [ˈtaɪtn jɔː(r) belt]
  • 网络勒紧裤腰带;你就不得不勒紧腰带;勒紧腰带;你就不得不勒紧腰带过日子;不得不勒紧裤腰带
tighten your belttighten your belt

These words all mean to keep money instead of spending it.以上各词均含存钱、攒钱之义。

to keep money instead of spending it, often in order to buy a particular thing常指为了买某物而攒钱、储蓄:

I'm saving for a new car.


to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose指谨慎花钱、把…编入预算:

If we budget carefully we'll be able to afford the trip.


to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use指节省、节约、节俭

( rather informal ) to spend less money because there is less available指勒紧腰带省吃俭用:

With the price increases, we are all having to tighten our belts.


( rather informal ) to spend very little money on the things that you need to live, especially so that you can save it to spend on sth else尤指为了攒钱节衣缩食、省吃俭用:

They scrimped and saved to give the children a good education.


  1. Why dont you tighten your belt a little ?


  2. Work hard , hunker down , tighten your belt , and make a better life .


  3. Clearly , if you are spending more than your income , you 'll need to tighten your belt .


  4. If you have less money than usual , you may have to tighten your belt .


  5. You need to tighten your belt if you want to save enough money to buy your own house .


  6. If you want to salt away money , you 'll have to tighten your belt for " saving is getting " .


  7. Now you are out of work , you 'll have to tighten your belt and give up buying new clothes and going out so often .


  8. You 'll start to see patterns of unnecessary spending ( your morning Starbucks run , sushi takeout , etc. ) and areas where you can tighten your belt .


  9. Please fasten ( tighten ) your seat belt .
