- n.大惊小怪;忙乱;喧嚷;吵吵嚷嚷
- to-do的复数

I would arrive around 8 and make a list of to-dos for the day .
Tracking these deadlines and to-dos will help you understand which tasks take priority and which can wait .
Keep a list of your priorities in view . Measure your to-dos and planned actions against them .
Our lifestyles are so complicated and filled with so many to-dos that we have left the basic parts of survival behind us .
Your goals will evolve into a set of action-oriented objectives , which will become a series of to-dos .
Planning your day and prioritizing your to-dos can help you make better time-management decisions to feel more in control of your life .
These are big to-dos we 're slacking on : eat healthier , get a better job , lose weight , save money .
You can knock out a few to-dos while others are still sitting in traffic or yawning through their first cups of coffee .
Activities are a set of tools for keeping track of your and others'contributions , shared resources , to-dos , and deadlines in individual or collaborative projects .
One analysis of men and women showed that men may be happier because they give less time and energy to " unpleasant tasks " than women ( there are those bills and to-dos again ) .
Whatever you do , whether you create a list of to-dos or make up your calendar and planner , the most important thing to take away is to tackle one thing at a time .
The example below represents a simple scenario : A click on the item from the list of to-dos should update ( in Ajax mode ) the preview pane with the corresponding data .
For example , get your inbox to zero and empty your head of everything you 're holding onto , such as to-dos or ideas , by writing them down and scheduling them .
From marrying a stranger to crashing a red carpet , more than three years and 23 countries later , Sebastian has struck off more than half of the " to-dos " on his list .