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  • 托尔;【医】【=tolerance】耐(药)量,耐受力,耐受性,忍受
  1. This method has been used to determine the content of TOL in medical tablet .


  2. It 's time tol g the past .


  3. Worm number to feed was approximately 2.5 ~ 3 tol , its cost price per kg was about 2.5 yuan .


  4. Mr.Brown told his colleague , tol d ɪ z


  5. Integrated analysis on seismic data taking account of geologic setting shows that Well Tol should be located in the oil-water 's transitional zones .


  6. The model conforms better tol the practice than the ring models due to considering the effect of the plastic bending of the longitudinal transition zone .


  7. It was found that the ratio of MBC between BF and FC bacteria was even more than 32 tol .


  8. The simulating results show that the location accuracy of WLS algorithm is higher than time only localization ( TOL ) methods for bistatic sonar .


  9. Then there is a point made by Richard Tol of VU University Amsterdam : farm yields show the worst of the situation .


  10. Result In addition to cancer cells scaling and implantation , the major factor of relapse was that cutting margin tol close to lower edge of cancer .


  11. Hollinghurst said he chose to set his novel in the1980s because it was such a difficult period tol ive through .


  12. But voronwe could have established a family of Elven lords who assumed an important place in tol eressea 's society .


  13. The accuracy of the methods is also intensively studied . The simulating results show that the localization accuracy of the TOL algorithm is better than that of the BOL algorithm .


  14. Richard Tol , senior research officer at Ireland 's Economic and Social Research Institute , called Stern 's report alarmist , saying it overestimated the impact of climate change .


  15. Results AMG and its metabolite tolmetin ( TOL ) significantly inhibited the ear edema induced by xylene in mice and reduce the weight of granuloma induced by cotton pellet respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .


  16. The correlation coefficients of dry gluten with dough baking strength ( W ), dough tenacity ( P ), elasticity index ( Ie ), dough peak time ( Tpr ), stability time ( Tol ) were also significant , respectively .


  17. The photosensitivity of cationic polymerization of cycloaliphatic diepoxide oligomer ERL 4221 initiated by photoinitiator [ CpFe (η 6 tol ) ] BF 4 has been studied .


  18. Don 't you over exert yourself , Loo , ' said Mr Chick , ' or you 'll be laid up with spasms , I see . Right tol loor rul ! Bless my soul , I forgot ! We 're here one day and gone the next ! '
