- adj.(笑时)露齿的,多齿的

After all a scaly , toothy ancient reptile friend would make you the life of every party .
The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal .
They 've found God , reached a level where they wear a big toothy grin on their faces that won 't crack .
You will be able to catch up to28 different species of fish , including toothy barracuda and dangerous sharks !
Titanoboa could 've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer .
As they practice being assertive with a toothy tiger puppet , patients might feel freer to stand up for themselves outside of therapy .
Aesthetically , its beak-like mouth was rather less threatening than its cousin 's toothy snout .
The dentist : The first thing after waking up in the morning and the last thing before going to bed should be a sweet toothy smile .
A jumping cockroach . A glowing mushroom . A toothy leech . These are three of scientists picks for the Top Ten New Species described in 2010 .
I especially liked the face with a toothy , uncomfortable-looking grimace : " Yikes , " it seemed to say .
The toothy fish are then spewed all over the metro area , lacerating the locals and essentially spreading chaos of the most bizarre kind .
He gamely poses for photos & almost always with his arms at his side , superhero-style , and always with that toothy showbiz smile .
And I can see him now . A funny little foreigner with a wide , toothy grin and hair reeking of pomade . I wouldn 't quite say that .
But in the unlikely occurrence that such a powerful storm struck a major city , you 'd have much more to fear from the hurricane-like power of the weather than you would any toothy , flying fish .
Looking old beyond his years , but still exuding a youthful playfulness , the youngster wore the collar of his coat turned up and gave the camera a wide , toothy grin .
On a visit a few days before the titanosaur 's unveiling , workers were applying finishing touches as Dr. Norell paused at the entrance , under the watchful eye and toothy jaw of the star attraction .