- 网络比赛;锦标赛;马上比武

I 'm sure the tourney puts coins in many a pocket .
Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing .
If you are in need of new arms for the Hand 's tourney , you have come to the right shop .
Kobe and Team USA are gearing up for the qualifying tourney .
The Red Keep and the Hand 's tourney were chafing him raw , Ned reflected as he climbed .
I will speak with His Grace , Ned said . This tourney is an extravagance the realm cannot afford .
It is worth a fair piece of silver , Ser Barristan said . The boy had it forged special for the tourney .
The king 's tourney , Ned corrected , wincing . I assure you , the Hand wants no part of it .
I 've promised the City Watch twenty of my guard until the tourney is done , he told him . I rely on you to make the choice .
He must have cut a gallant figure in the tourney , him in his bright new armor , with those crescent moons on his cloak .
Lord Stannis had not returned to King 's Landing for the tourney . Lysa Arryn held her silence behind the high walls of the Eyrie .
It 's the Hand 's tourney that 's the cause of all the trouble , my lords , the Commander of the City Watch complained to the king 's council .
Littlefinger 's blade , won by Tyrion Lannister in a tourney wager , sent to slay Bran in his sleep .
The tourney could be viewed as punishment for finishing third in last year 's world championships in Japan , behind champion Spain and Greece . He expressed his feelings through poems when he was happy .
Sansa rode to the Hand 's tourney with Septa Mordane and Jeyne Poole , in a litter with curtains of yellow silk so fine she could see right through them .
All the ladies of the court will be expected at a grand event like this , and as the tourney is in your honor , it would look queer if your family did not attend .
Last tourney , he dumped the Kingslayer on his golden rump , you ought to have seen the look on Cersei 's face . I laughed till my sides hurt .
Arya , they were mummers , her father told her . There must be a dozen troupes in King 's Landing right now , come to make some coin off the tourney crowds .