
美 [ˈtræʃɪŋ]英 [ˈtræʃɪŋ]
  • v.损坏;毁坏;抨击;谴责;丢弃;把…抛弃
  • trash的现在分词



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 垃圾;废物
    Trash consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty containers and bottles, and waste food.

    The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash…


  • 3
    N-UNCOUNT 毫无价值的东西;拙劣的作品
    If you say that something such as a book, painting, or film is trash, you mean that it is of very poor quality.

    Pop music doesn't have to be trash, it can be art...


  • 4
    VERB (故意)损坏,捣毁,糟蹋
    If someone trashes a place or vehicle, they deliberately destroy it or make it very dirty.

    Would they trash the place when the party was over?...


  • 5
    VERB 痛贬;贬损
    If you trash people or their ideas, you criticize them very strongly and say that they are worthless.

    People asked why the candidates spent so much time trashing each other.


  • 6
    See also:white trash

  • 7
    在美国英语中,trash 与 garbage 最常用于表示被丢弃的废物:the smell of rotting garbage (腐烂垃圾的臭味),She threw the bottle into the trash (她把瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。英国英语中则通常用rubbish。trash 与 garbage 有时亦用于英国英语中,但仅限于非正式语体或比喻用法:I don't have to listen to this garbage (我不需要听这些废话),The book was trash (那本书简直是垃圾)。

  1. The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms .


  2. People asked why the candidates spent so much time trashing each other .


  3. That damaging other people in your community and in your life , trashing relationships , results in a kind of self-inflicted spiritual wound .


  4. into trashing every room in my mother 's house ?


  5. No problem , big shot . I 'm the one trashing your quarterly earnings .


  6. People defending me , people trashing me .


  7. Germany has cut unemployment to a historic low of 6.2 per cent without trashing its welfare state .


  8. This is how recursive functions keep from trashing the values of the variables in other , active function calls .


  9. Reprocessing or Trashing Audit Log containers with a log no longer fails silently .


  10. The basic don ' ts : arriving late to an interview or trashing a previous employer .


  11. Let off some steam by trashing ten of the hotel 's rooms as part of a refurbishment plan .


  12. Other big currencies such as the yen or the pound have central banks intent on trashing them .


  13. Memory is a bit more expensive , but even so , it can be replaced and even upgraded without trashing the whole project .


  14. Madonna swiftly denied lip-synching and pointedly said she did not spend her time trashing other artists .


  15. And days later , they backed up the claims by many that they were headed for the Eastern Conference finals by trashing the Miami Heat .


  16. I doubt if my ex-colleagues would be so co-operative if they knew I was going around trashing the company that was signing their paychecks .


  17. I wish America 's multiculturalisms and historical revisionists would grasp what Icelanders understand : trashing your nation 's myths is the wrong way to create a better society .


  18. Granted , some of the Republican super-Pac money has been spent trashing each other during the nomination fight . Some will also go on congressional races .


  19. President Obama , in a photo session with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte , said he was disturbed by what he termed the " trashing " the British facility .


  20. Blended learning environments-if you 're having a hard time with the idea of completely trashing your classroom training environment , remember you can always combine e-learning with the more traditional methods you 're more accustomed to .


  21. With investors beset by falling home prices and ( in some cases ) rising negative equity , the trashing of stock portfolios , particularly for pending retirees , is yet another blow to their finances .


  22. There are three ways for designers to respond to the charge that they are personally responsible for trashing the biosphere : argue the toss ; cringe with guilt ; or become part of the solution .


  23. The jokes were well-received by the people in the audience , but there was something slightly weird about them when you consider that Steve Jobs was a big proponent of the design style Federighi was trashing .


  24. The famous ' trashing " celebrations that occur when students walk out of exams - where friends of the freed throw confetti and pop champagne - are permitted , so long as they don 't involve food stuff .
