- n.舌蝇(吸食人畜血液并致其严重患病的非洲蝇类)

Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Programme
Tsetse flies are found just in sub-Saharan Africa though only certain species transmit the disease .
The fatal infection begins with the bite of a tsetse fly .
Sleeping sickness is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly .
It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies .
Sleeping sickness ( tropical disease carried by the tsetse fly , causing sleepiness and often death )
Study on Refractoriness of Tsetse Flies Carrying Recombinant Symbionts Expressing an Anti-trypanosomal Product
The disease , transmitted mainly by tsetse flies , is prevalent in37 countries among the poorest of the world .
Mosquitoes and tsetse flies plagued us .
The main approaches to controlling African trypanosomiasis are to reduce the reservoirs of infection and the presence of the tsetse fly .
Sleeping sickness occurs only in36 sub-Saharan Africa countries where there are tsetse flies that can transmit the disease .
For reasons that are so far unexplained , there are many regions where tsetse flies are found , but sleeping sickness is not .
The people most exposed to the tsetse fly and therefore the disease are in rural populations dependent on agriculture , fishing , animal husbandry or hunting .
The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite . It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies .
It is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly , which transfers the organism from alternate host such as the cow .
The disease is mostly transmitted through the bite of an infected tsetse fly but there are other ways in which people are infected with sleeping sickness .
It is spread by the bite of an infected tsetse fly ( Glossina Genus ), a species native to the African continent .
Application of nuclear insect sterile technique to eradicate tsetse fly ( Glossina austeni Newstead ) on zanzibar , Tanzania
It was later speculated that the mysterious illness had been caused by a Tsetse fly , an African insect that can cause a disease known as sleeping sickness .
Rural populations living in regions where transmission occurs and which depend on agriculture , fishing , animal husbandry or hunting are the most exposed to the tsetse fly and therefore to the disease .
To obtain genetic stable strain , we evaluated the clearance of symbionts in tsetse , impact of vitamin supplement on fly fertility and relationship between symbiont and trypanosome infection .
They are transmitted to humans by tsetse fly ( Glossina genus ) bites which have acquired their infection from human beings or from animals harbouring the human pathogenic parasites .
The tsetse fly bite erupts into a red sore and within a few weeks the person can experience fever , swollen lymph glands , aching muscles and joints , headaches and irritability .
Tsetse flies transmit human sleeping sickness ( Africa trypanosomiasis ) in tropical Africa . It is also the vector that causes Nagana in livestock . This is a great burden for health and development in Africa .
Human African Trypanosomiasis ( HAT ), also known as African sleeping sickness , is a parasitic disease of humans caused by protozoal parasite Trypanosoma brucei ( T. brucei ) and transmitted by the tsetse fly .