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  • 网络未定义比特率;未指定位元速率
  1. Of these , ABR and UBR service categories are designed to efficiently support data traffic .


  2. In earlier versions , the UDDI specification mixed policy issues with UBR implementation concerns .


  3. The protocol can support CBR / VBR , ABR and UBR services , ensure fair access to the subscribers and make full use of network resource .


  4. To monitor UBR activity related to its areas of interest , the AMBP establishes a subscription with one of the UBR node operators .


  5. This is an affiliate registry of the UBR .


  6. Some services of general interest used by these companies also are public in nature and are registered in the UBR , which is the root registry for the pharmaceutical affiliate .


  7. This paper discusses the characteristics of TCP when it employs ABR and UBR seduces , and the influence of the ATM switch buffer on the Performance of TCP .


  8. Secondly , the mathematical modeling of the heterogeneous traffic ( such as , CBR VBR ABR and UBR ) and discrete event system simulation which is used in this paper are discussed ;


  9. T - VBR , ABR and UBR .


  10. ABR ( Availble Bit Rate ) and UBR ( Unspecified Bit Rate ) are new service in the ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode ) network , which are mainly used for data communication .


  11. Simulation results show that the TCP performance of ABR service is better than that of UBR service in terms of buffer requirement , fairness of bandwith allocation , throughput , and link utilization .


  12. Entities in a private registry , for instance , can now be copied into another affiliated private registry for broader exposure or into a root registry , such as the UBR , for public consumption .


  13. The proposed protocol is capable of supporting various types of the traffic , such as constant bit rate ( CBR ), variable bit rate ( VBR ), available bit rate ( ABR ), unspecified bit rate ( UBR ) .
