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  • 网络乌布;巴厘岛;乌布德
  1. But I had moved there only after spending a day in Ubud .


  2. As was my day in Ubud , which cost me , astonishingly , something like $ 20 .


  3. So I take a taxi to the town of Ubud , which seems like a good place to start my journey .


  4. That dance in Ubud that 's so hauntingly indigenous might well have been created for ( and even by ) the tourist market .


  5. On the ride over from Ubud , I asked Komang to list a few Balinese dishes I should try .


  6. Instead , I stayed outside Ubud in the village of Kemenuh , which travelers visit for its woodcarving shops but not much else .


  7. She knows another Brazilian expat in Ubud , she told me , and he 's hosting a special event at a nice restaurant this evening .


  8. It isn 't near any beaches , so the tourists who come to Ubud are a self-selecting and rather classy crowd ;


  9. Ubud has long been considered the cultural hub of the island , the place where traditional Balinese painting , dance , carving , and religious ceremonies thrive .


  10. In the evenings I spin my bicycle high up into the hills and across the acres of rice terraces north of Ubud , with views so splendid and green .


  11. A wild long-tailed macaque monkey has adopted an abandoned kitten , caring for it as his own at Monkey Forest in Ubud , Bali .


  12. All I have for sure is his name - Ketut Liyer - and the memory that he lives in a village just outside the town of Ubud .


  13. and Ubud , for those seeking the more spiritual Bali described in Elizabeth Gilbert 's " Eat , Pray , Love " without straying too far from a Starbucks .


  14. Similarly , I remember a group of wealthy Indian artists who stayed in a lavish villa above the town of Ubud in central Bali , overlooking a spectacular gorge .


  15. In the city of Yogyakarta , a cultural centre in western Indonesia , officials have confiscated toys bearing Communist symbols and talks on 1965 were banned at this year 's Ubud Writers and Readers Festival .


  16. Now I 'm mobile in my new town of Ubud , or at least as mobile as I can safely feel on these roads , which are narrow and winding and badly maintained and crowded with motorcycles , trucks and tourist buses .


  17. Ubud is in the center of Bali , located in the mountains , surrounded by terraced rice pad-dies and innumerable Hindu temples , with rivers that cut fast through deep canyons of jungle and volcanoes visible on the horizon .


  18. Out on the dance floor I ran into my friend Stefania , a lively young Italian girl I 'd met recently in a meditation class in Ubud , and we danced together , hair flying everywhere , blond and dark , spinning merrily around .


  19. Dallying in the waves , we told each other whatever was left of the life story details which we hadn 't yet covered in the past few weeks of evenings spent out to-gether in the quietest restaurants in Ubud , talking over bottles and bottles of wine .
