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  • abbr.通用通信转换装置(Universal Communications Switching Device)
  1. Out of the UCSD , we went toward San Diego city .


  2. ROCKS was created and maintained by UCSD and they have done a good job of making clusters user friendly .


  3. Two days ago , I told them I would like to visit the UCSD , so they decided to take me there today .


  4. This study was funded by grants from the National Heart , Lung , and Blood Institute and the UCSD General Clinical Research Center .


  5. The UCSD researchers also studied mice that were missing a tumor suppressor gene , which is a gene that acts to prevent cell growth .


  6. Glad to see your mother attend the concert at UCSD that evening . She must be very , very proud of you .


  7. Scientists from the US-based University of California San Diego ( UCSD ) investigated whether current methods of locating conservation reserves are adequate to deal with future environmental changes .


  8. A review is presented of the theory in negative refraction index ( NRI ) study . Five years ago , the experiment of UCSD confirmed that left-handed medium ( LHM ) do indeed exhibit nega - tive refraction .


  9. I 've read anecdotal reports associating statins with memory loss , and I 'm aware of an ongoing study at the University of California , San Diego ( UCSD ) , that is investigating the effects of these drugs on thinking , mood , behavior , and quality of life .
