
美 [ˌʌnˈpɪkt]英 [ˌʌnˈpɪkt]
  • v.拆(编织物)的针脚;拆去…的缝线
  • adj.拆开针脚的;未拣过的;(花等)未摘的
  • unpick的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    VERB 拆(线);拆开, 拆散
    If you unpick a piece of sewing, you remove the stitches from it.

    You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them.


  • 2
    VERB 找…的毛病;给…挑刺
    If someone unpicks a plan or policy, they disagree with it and examine it thoroughly in order to find any mistakes that they can use to defeat it.

    A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.


  1. How does a platonic relationship turn romantic and what really is the distinction between friends and lovers is a question that is still being unpicked , Stinson said .


  2. It has also unpicked some of the gains of the 1960s civil rights era .


  3. If the fruits on such a tree remain unpicked , they cannot be safe to eat !


  4. I want the seam unpicked .


  5. But in manufacturing , rising costs and greater self-sufficiency in emerging markets and changing production techniques around the world have led many of those intricate global value chains to be unpicked .


  6. US prisons are fuller than those of autocratic China , which has a population more than four times as big . It has also unpicked some of the gains of the 1960s civil rights era .


  7. During the past few years an unedifying legal battle waged in New York courtrooms has steadily unpicked the restructurings that allowed Argentina to pick up the pieces after its $ 95bn default in 2001 .
