useful component

美 [ˈjuːsfl kəmˈpoʊnənt]英 [ˈjuːsfl kəmˈpəʊnənt]
  • 网络有用成分;有用组分
useful componentuseful component
  1. And the variety coefficient of grade is smaller than 93 % , and general is 27.5 % - 85.3 % , namely the distributing of useful component is " uniformity " .


  2. Studying on the dynamic accumulation of useful component of natural medicines and its influence factors .


  3. The difference between the useful component and the noise of the signal lies in the time - frequent characteristic .


  4. Utilizing the useful component of black liquor , coal water slurry additive is prepared by proper treatment and its performance is tested .


  5. Whispering-gallery-mode disk microcavity , as a new photonic sensor , is a useful component for detecting biological pathogens .


  6. A validated high performance liquid chromatography was developed for the determination of the useful component in CS-spray , with simple mobile phase and commercial HPLC column .


  7. Instead of seeing our moods as simply getting in the way of rational judgment , they began to find in them a useful component of our responses to social situations .


  8. PSD ( Position Sensitive Detector ) is a useful component in un-contact measurement of position detection . This paper mainly introduces the principle and design thought of PSD phase positioning orientation .


  9. Cellulase , which is used widely in the extraction and transformation of useful component from natural plants , become instable under the action of heat and the adsorption and desorption between cellulase and substrates .


  10. The material composition of the deposit is simple and classified into low sulfide type , the main metallic mineral and gold carrying mineral is pyrite , natural gold is the only gold mineral and useful component .


  11. This is immensely useful during component testing , as you can identify untested code and check it before it is shipped .


  12. As a useful and common component , waveguide is getting more and more attention .


  13. In general , a state machine is useful when your component 's activities are event driven and each activity that occurs depends on the current state of the component .


  14. Compare to the macro-scale model , the study and development of the micro-scale model could show the inner disciplinarian of the complex process , and it is very useful to predict component and quality of product , and optimize production .
