- n.病毒学家

But Bob doesn 't work on ... He 's a virologist .
In1973 , virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection .
I told you my father was this famous virologist .
A third study led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka produced similar results to the CDC .
The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection .
You connected thetwelve monkeys with a famous virologist and his son .
Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge .
The virologist is supporting the Ministry in laboratory detection of dengue and helping with the collection and identification of the predominant strain in circulation .
Despite all of this study , researchers have missed a curious feature of the virus 's biology , says virologist Geoffrey Smith of Imperial College London .
According to virologist Shahid Jameel , two major problems in India are a lack of public communication , and a lack of laboratories to detect infections .
A sharp controversy has broken out over newspaper reports that a top Japanese virologist has alleged China is concealing hundreds of human deaths from bird flu .
Professor John Oxford , a virologist at leading London hospital , said : " Really , there is very little evidence that masks actually offer much protection against flu .
In a new study , Mary Warrell , a clinical virologist from the Oxford Vaccine Group at the UK-based University of Oxford , and colleagues evaluated another method .
Shane Crotty is a virologist at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in San Diego , California .
A team led by virologist Kathleen Collins of the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , now has evidence that HIV hangs out inside bone marrow .
The problem with the subunit approach is that its effects don 't last , said William Halford , a virologist at Montana State University , in Bozeman .
Fang Zhaoyan , a virologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention , believes Chinese scientists and vaccine makers have the capacity to lower costs of the rotavirus vaccine .
With the European Community Humanitarian Office ( ECHO ) support , the WHO Regional Office for Africa will be sending a team composed of an epidemiologist , entomologist and virologist .
The virologist from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases ( NIID ), Japan , is working with the Central Laboratory and the National Hospital , Dili , for further laboratory investigations .
" In general , the developing countries are not prepared ," said Hitoshi Oshitani , a virologist with the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Sendai , Japan .
A PAHO team of experts including an epidemiologist , clinician / virologist , risk communicator , immunization advisers and emergency management experts was deployed to Paraguay on15 February .
An entomologist and a virologist from the National Institute of infectious diseases , japan , partners in the Global Outbreak Alert and response network , are assisting the Ministry of health , timor-leste .
A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and response network including a virologist , logistician , entomologist , geographic information specialist and epidemiologists are expected shortly to assist in controlling the outbreak .
Prof Jonathan Ball , a virologist at the University of Nottingham , who was not involved in the work , said the study was " neat " but scientists would need to be certain the approach was safe .
Current knowledge of Ebola is " still too limited " because of a lack of facilities , agrees Jens Kuhn , a virologist and biosafety expert at Harvard Medical School who was not involved with the research .
Among Osterhaus 's co-authors are Klaus St ö hr , the World Health Organization 's ( WHO ) leading influenza expert , and Malik Pieris , the virologist who led Hong Kong 's efforts to control SARS .
Joseph Fair , an American virologist who worked in the region in 2004 , says the villagers – fearful of Ebola , witchcraft and unknown foreigners showing up in space suits – were trying to cut themselves off from the outside world .
Joseph Fair , an American virologist who worked in the region in 2004 , says the villagers - fearful of Ebola , witchcraft and unknown foreigners " showing up in space suits " - were trying to cut themselves off from the outside world .