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  • 虚拟的;专业人格修养;虚方法
  1. Application and Researches of Mathematics for Evaluation System of Teacher 's Virture


  2. On the Modern Value of Confucian Theory of Government by Virture


  3. Virture Instrumentation Software Architecture : Design and Realization of VISA


  4. On the Coexistence and Conflict of Rule by Virture of Confucian School and Imperial Examination System


  5. Virture of Economization and Development of Economy


  6. Developing thematic melody , singing opening and exploring spirit of the people and manner of good virture ;


  7. His eyes want all that spirit , that fire , which at once announce virture and intelligence .


  8. Point character is an important image character . It has the virture of little mount of account and no lose of dimensional intensity information .


  9. The theoretical models are given on the basis of gain threshold and lasing frequency by virture of double mirror-cavity model .


  10. The ordeal of virture is to resist all temptation to evil .


  11. What is glory without virture ?


  12. The R40 rotor spinning machine offers considerably enhanced potential for very high productivity by virture of improved spinning stability and maximum length .


  13. For particulars , as every one knows , make for virture and happiness ; generalities are intellectually necessary evils .


  14. Strengthening traditional virture aims to attract people 's attention , strengthen personal accomplishment in real life , play the effective force in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization


  15. Being modest , cautious and respectful characterizes the Chinese traditional virture . The Chinese traditional culture actually performs positive or negative impact on English language learning .


  16. In this paper , we solve the question of combination number by virture of generating function , so it offers convenience to some question of combinatorial number .


  17. Frugality is the mother of virture .


  18. By virture of DSP chips , the design of hardware and software of GPS synchronized voltage phase angle instrument are realized based on DFT algorithm . The experiment simulation results are presented finally .


  19. The seakeeping performance of SWATH is predicted in this paper by virture of strip theory . The theoretical prediction programme of seakeeping of SWATH is set up .


  20. Based on the framework of OT pragmatics , the article analyzes the distinction between explicature and implicature by virture of the global and rational principle concerning linguistic communication .


  21. Among them , the legal order , which only emerged in the Western liberal society , was a unique one by virture of its " generality " and " autonomy " characteristics .


  22. The aim of the study is to improve the elementary light brown tone of AgX photochromic glasses in the system of alkali borosilicate by virture of silver diffusion .


  23. At last , synthesized using Web Services and CSCD technology , we designed and realized a CSCD application system in transformer design basd on Web Services , in virture of the development platform .


  24. A stiffness matrix for the catenary element with the consideration of its out-plane stiffness is accurately derived by the virture work principle . It is valid for any type of flexible cable structures .


  25. Conclusions This canine aneurysm model presents the virture in the size and shape of human cerebral bifurcation saccular aneurysms on DSA image , suitable for developing the exploration of endovascular devices for aneurismal therapy .


  26. The Master said , " Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters ? Is he not a man of complete virture , who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him ? "
