vote on a bill

美 [voʊt ɑːn ə bɪl]英 [vəʊt ɒn ə bɪl]
  • 对议案进行投票
vote on a billvote on a bill
  1. The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a bill to prevent employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation .


  2. The President also called on Republican leaders in the Senate to stop blocking a vote on a bill helping small businesses .


  3. The Senate is soon to vote on a bill that would send American scientists to prison for making cloned embryonic stem cells .


  4. The US House of Representatives is due to vote on a bill to raise the country 's debt ceiling , allowing it to borrow more money to cover spending commitments .


  5. The United States Senate and House of Representatives are due to vote on a bill to raise the limit on US borrowing ahead of a deadline to avert an unprecedented debt default .


  6. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has also said the House will vote on a similar bill this week .


  7. The House could vote today on a bill that would give the Veterans Affairs Secretary more power to fire or demote senior executives .


  8. Once differences between Senate and House authorizations are reconciled , both chambers will vote on a unified bill to keep the U.S. government funded through September .


  9. With a vote on a landmark bill expected within days after months of wrangling in Congress , Mr Obama admonished the finance industry for sending battalions of lobbyists to Capitol Hill to fight the proposals .


  10. He has so far refused to allow a vote on a China trade bill , saying it will set off a trade war .


  11. President Barack Obama says congressional Republicans must allow a vote on a no-strings funding bill .


  12. And , in another development , the Senate voted Thursday to permit final debate and a vote on a financial reform bill .


  13. Next week , there 's a vote in Congress on a bill that would give working women the tools they need to demand equal pay for equal work .


  14. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled an initial vote late Monday on a bill to renew compensation for the long-term unemployed by three months .


  15. A vote is underway on a democratic bill .


  16. Despite more grim international corporate reports , global markets were generally upbeat Friday in anticipation of the U.S. Senate heading toward a vote on a massive economic stimulus bill .


  17. France 's National Assembly is set to take a final vote on a controversial pension reform bill , with President Nicolas Sarkozy hoping it will bring an end to a series of damaging strikes .
