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  • 网络变异表面糖蛋白
  1. It is certainly possible that some other mechanism is at work in the VSG .


  2. Isolation and Electrophoresis Analysis on Two VSG of a Cloned Trypanosoma evansi


  3. The Establishment of VSG Antigenic Reservoir of Trypanosome Evansi and Its Detection of Protective Immunity


  4. Isolation of VSG gene of Trypanosoma evansi by RT-PCR


  5. If verified by further and careful study and certainly if durable at5 years and beyond , VSG could replace traditional surgical procedures for obesity .


  6. Navarro and Gull found that the transcriptional body of the parasite uses a less abundant type of enzyme called RNA polymerase I to read the VSG genes .


  7. Right now I will send you VSG 's lawyer King Wood and BAB 's lawyer Jingtian Gongcheng 's reply to the SIX Swiss Exchange 's questions .


  8. Fogel et al1 report on a novel , endoluminal procedure they have termed vertical sutured gastroplasty ( VSG ) for the treatment of obesity .


  9. RNA trans-splicing in many primary eukaryotes has been found , and testified , since it was discovered from splicing of RNA of variable surface glycoprotein ( VSG ) in trypanosome .


  10. VSG was also higher than capillary whole blood glucose ( CBG ) . The conversion coefficients between VSG and VBG or VSG and CBG were 1 099 , 1 085 , respectively .


  11. S Objective : To investigate the difference between the measurement of capillary blood glucose ( CBG ) by glucometer and venous serum glucose ( VSG ) by biochemistry method and their correlation , therefor to confirm the accuracy and stability of glucometer .


  12. The comparable study of the detection of peripheral and venous blood glucose was made in 100 subjects with OGTT or eating steamed bread test . The concentration of venous serum glucose ( VSG ) was remarkably higher than that of venous whole blood glucose ( VBG ) .
