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  • 网络阿联酋通讯社;Warren抽象机;埃姆;瓦姆新闻社
  1. This stress sends a message to wam your brain of danger , allowing your body to respond quickly .


  2. Assimilating altimeter observations to the WAM model by using of data insertion procedure


  3. Implementation of Inference Engine Prolog Based on WAM


  4. The available quantity of surface water resources in the Hanjiang River Basin is computed respectively by deduction method and improved WAM .


  5. To improve the performance of the inference engine , it uses the backfill method to generate faster WAM code during the code preprocessing stage .


  6. This paper gives two methods to determine average life-span of steel products : weighted average method ( WAM ) and graphic shifting method ( GSM ) .


  7. When embedded rates is lower than 20 % , WAM detection rates is 70 % or so , the other two methods ' detection rate is at about 60 % .


  8. With their high utilization rates , virtualized platforms cannot handle the overhead associated with precloud Web access management ( WAM ) use of webserver plug-ins and agents .


  9. It inherits the structure-sharing mechanism of BPU-Prolog , and yet the execution speed is comparable with the PARLOG based on WAM .


  10. In this paper , a scheme for managing Prolog code database in the framework of the Warren Abstract Machine ( WAM ) is presented . The form of the object code is first described .


  11. The tight coupling of WAM with plug-ins has proven to be brittle , and the " burstable ," elastic nature of virtualized cloud platforms makes the plug-in model infeasible .


  12. The WAM-PLUS , a new execution model for Prolog , is described , which is consisted of an extended version of the WAM and the execution mechanism for non-logical components of Prolog .


  13. The RAP / LOP-WAM parallel inference machine is based on the OR-forest description and is an extension of the WAM . It supports Restricted AND-Parallelism and Limited OR-Parallelism of logic programs .
