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waving flag

美 [ˈweɪvɪŋ flæɡ]英 [ˈweɪvɪŋ flæɡ]
  • 网络飘扬的旗帜
waving flagwaving flag
  1. Just like a Waving Flag .


  2. Flag , flag , Just like a Waving Flag .


  3. The man was waving a flag at the railway crossing .


  4. Use this to simulate randomly changing forces on the cloth , such as wind turbulences waving a flag .


  5. NASA took the now-famous pictures of Neil Armstrong planting a waving American flag on the moon .


  6. Send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code . A white flag is used as a token of surrender .


  7. In addition to waving the flag and promoting a vision of apple-pie America , OWI photographers covered less happy occasions .


  8. One of my earliest memories is sitting on my grandfather 's shoulders , waving a flag as our astronauts returned to Hawaii .


  9. In the cool of the evening , families strolled the city streets while young men drove by waving the flag and chanting slogans , praising what everyone is calling the new , free Libya .


  10. Selena : Start by waving a white flag .


  11. I think they 've started already . I saw someone walk down the street waving the national flag just now .


  12. He picked a photo of a man , his face concealed , waving an Isis flag on a mountain .


  13. And we hope that you don 't run into something that makes you angry , that would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull .


  14. In the east of the country , the news was greeted by waving the rebel flag and firing off celebratory rounds of ammunition .


  15. On one of the barricades I saw this guy waving the Turkish flag , collapsing from the tear gas and retreating when it was too much too take .


  16. and the Elder Tree still was fragrant , and the red flag , with the white cross , was still waving : the flag under which the old seaman in the New Booths had sailed .


  17. Libyans poured into public squares like this one in Tripoli , and waving the new Libyan flag .


  18. When Phelps started his final charge with the freestyle , Barbara stood up in cheers , waving an American national flag .


  19. Anyway , please sit back , relax , and join us as we take our final lap as indicated by the waving of this racing flag .


  20. On routine after routine , the team , egged on by a Chinese fans waving the country 's flag , performed the final 's most difficult moves without stumbling .
