wideband transmission

  • 网络宽带传输
wideband transmissionwideband transmission
  1. In future mobile communication system , the high transmission rate determines the choice of wideband transmission .


  2. The Technique of ATM Realizes Wideband Transmission in SDH


  3. Analysis of Ultra Wideband Transmission Performance System Based on Chirp Spread Spectrum


  4. Research of a Wideband Transmission / Receive Antenna Assemble


  5. This paper introduces superiority of ATM and SDH wideband transmission system . It discusses advantage of ATM and SDH , and ATM / SDH wideband information network .


  6. Next , the characteristics of the non-zero dispersion optical fiber for wideband transmission , dispersion compensating optical fiber , water-free pure silica core optical fiber , broad wavelength window multimode fiber and plastic optical fiber briefly .


  7. Study of wideband microstrip transmission line baluns


  8. Proposes a variable rate modulation scheme for wideband data transmission on the Rayleigh fading channel to improve the spectral efficiency .


  9. Aim To improve the performance of layered space-time coding ( LSTC ) for wideband downlink transmission .


  10. The design target of the next generation wireless communication system is to implement wideband and high-speed data transmission in high-speed mobile environment .


  11. Because of its ultra wideband channel , the transmission data rate of UWB can be as high as 500 Mb / s , which is much faster than other short range communication systems .
