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  1. Studies suggest that such a monsoon gyre has important implications for TC formation , structure and motion in the WNP and SCS .


  2. Base on the analysis of convection and lower-level west wind distributing in different phases over WNP , low-frequency convection and west wind propagate to northwest .


  3. The WNP anticyclone forms in the El Nino growing autumn , grows in the El Nino mature winter and the following spring , and decays in the subsequent summer , respectively .


  4. Results also show that , with the jointly effects of SSTA in WNP and WEP , an abnormal anticyclonic circulation in the lower troposphere is observed over the South China Sea and North-west Pacific .


  5. The monsoon region of western North Pacific ( WNP )( 5 ° - 25 ° N , 120 ° - 160 ° E ) is an important part of Asian-Pacific and Asian-Australian monsoon region , and is a distinct monsoon region .
