woman inside

woman insidewoman inside
  1. The woman inside the car is clutching steering wheel , absorbedly .


  2. He saw an old woman inside the car .


  3. Woman inside the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art .


  4. and that a young woman inside was leaning out of the window , and beckoning with immense energy .


  5. Emergency crews responding to a house fire in Idaho Friday night expected to find an elderly woman inside the home when they heard cries of help and fire .


  6. Emergency crews responding to a house fire in Idaho Friday night expected to find an elderly woman inside the home when they heard cries of " help " and " fire . "


  7. The married women are very important in festivals and represent the division model of work " Man outside , woman inside " . But at the some time , they play a trivial and humble role in festival .


  8. Walding returned to his home about 90 minutes later , at which point the woman returned inside her home to call for help .


  9. Amazingly , this guerilla stunt by Serviceplan saw a real woman placed inside a transparent suitcase that was put onto busy luggage-claim carousels in two German airports .


  10. A woman was waiting inside the house .


  11. Police in Bolivia have detained a woman who hid inside an all-male prison to avoid being arrested for fraud .


  12. STEEL LABORER : A woman laborer worked inside a factory that makes aluminum utensils on the outskirts of Agartala , India , on Tuesday .


  13. One woman and2 soldiers are inside the house .


  14. Suddenly , she saw a hazy image of a woman in grey standing inside the arch .


  15. ' I think it 's legitimate for us to sit here and chat with friends , 'said one woman who was sitting inside the zone peeling a home-made Chinese tea egg .
