words per minute
- 每分钟字数;字/分

Yet most students read only about 300 words per minute .
My typing speed is 100 English words per minute .
I can type 80 words per minute .
Individual features : Chinese character input speed , 70 to80 words per minute .
Yes , and I type ninety words per minute .
I can take dictation in English at100 words per minute .
Sitting down at the typewriter , the dog types out 80 words per minute .
To a person without writing barrier , writing speed about familiar context can reach 28.63 words per minute .
He could do 15 words per minute with his hand . But with his face , it was slower .
I can type fifty words per minute and I take shorthand at seventy words per minute .
I have a fair knowledge of shorthand , and can write ninety words per minute .
At school , I won a scholarship and first prize in type writing , at the rate of62 words per minute .
I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute , and typewriting at 65 words in English .
Far-fetched as it may sound , Dugan said researchers have already found it possible to use brain waves for typing at eight words per minute .
An average human can consume around 300 words per minute , while guzzling up over 1500 words per minute is a geek 's super power .
I am proficient in typewriting and shorthand and have attained a speed of eighty and sixty words per minute respectively .
People speak at 100 to 175 words per minute ( WPM ) , but they can listen intelligently at up to 300 words per minute .
Active Listening People speak at100 to175 words per minute ( WPM ), but they can listen intelligently at up to300 words per minute .
While communicating , the normal speed of utterance is about 125-180 words per minute , which means that both utterer and receiver demand a retrieval of 2-3 words per second .
A police dog responds to an ad for work with the FBI . " Well , " says the personnel director , " You 'll have to meet some strict requirements . First , you must type at least 60 words per minute . "
So use this rate difference to your advantage by staying on the right track , anticipating what they are going to say , thinking back over what they have just said and evaluating the development of their argument . You speak at about 100 to 150 words per minute , but you think at 250 to 500 .
Typing speed is calculated by the number of words typed per minute .
How many words do you type per minute ?
The result shows that simply transcribing speed of Chinese words can reach 34 words per minute .
Round this number and you have your words per second total ; multiply that number by 60 and there you have your words per minute total .
Websites like ZapReader splits articles in chucks of 1-10 words . These splits are then thrown at you with a speed anywhere between 25 to 1500 words per minute .
Take the difference in minutes between the two dates and divide by the number of words you typed ( which is output by the middle command ) to get the average number of words per minute you type .