- adj.虫蛀的;虫咬的;被虫蛀成很多洞的

Round-topped , worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves , leaning for support and finding none .
Special rooms available for the disabled . Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls , the worm-eaten staircase .
Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten .
Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls , the worm-eaten staircase .
He made a sudden exchange of the two instruments , and turning on the worm-eaten stool and table , beat them to pieces in a few blows .
Objective To explore the effects of Sanye worm-eaten tea on the renal hypertension of big rats , the content of the plasma nerve peptide and the level of cell factor .
You may wash it with water without worrying about the fragility to damp , worm-eaten an putrescence , which are the defects of traditional wooden furniture .
" Running water is never stale and a door-hinge is never worm-eaten " means that constant motion prevents the inroads of germs and other organisms .
" The incisors , in front , are shaped mostly for Biting , the pointed canines for tearing , and the premolars and molars for grinding food . " articulator registration The condition of being worm-eaten .