- v.猛拉;猛拽
- yank的现在分词

I have three cams . he 's yanking your chain .
Something caught my jacket , yanking me back .
She was afraid of yanking off the leaves of a plant on her desk .
Most people would say , well , the sun 's gravity is yanking the earth toward the sun in a circle .
The fifth chapter takes the " Yanking model " in Henan province for example to research " contract farming + future " .
Let 's imagine tying a rope to a tree and yanking the free end up and down .
The biggest reason for the slowdown was skittish investors yanking cash investment funds that normally flow to such deals .
Natasha quickly turns and grabs the Queen 's foot , yanking her to the ground .
Stop yanking at my shawl ; I can 't breathe .
You are yanking the yarn it is attached to , ' she says . ' You could end up making it worse . '
Lannister , he said , yanking loose the scarf to uncover his mouth .
Jhogo gave a pull on the whip , yanking Viserys around like a puppet on a string .
Yanking her into the air .
Some divers report tentacles enveloping their masks and yanking at their cameras and gear .
I think I 'm going to dig up all these weeds , she said , yanking a blossom up by its roots .
I rolled back over and unbuttoned my jeans , yanking them off awkwardly as I tried to stay horizontal .
It 's hard to tell whether they are yanking against each other in strife or swinging around merrily , but there 's lots of energy there .
He expertly turned his bike and began peddling , yanking the handlebars so that his front wheel rose off the ground for a fraction of a second .
This paper takes Yangming Mountain as an example , expounds the basic principle , modes and content of the planning of tourist interpretation system and provides the suggestion for the drift tourism of Yanking Mountain in construction .
Unable to take care of the filthy man in front of him , officer Zhuang became furious and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck , yanking him up .
I turned to my dresser , and Edward was already there , silently yanking out armfuls of random clothes , which he proceeded to throw to me .
I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the , I think I 'm going to dig up all these weeds , she said , yanking a blossom up by its roots .
Maybe it just sounded like she was chasing me ; maybe she was really going the other way . But before I got up the nerve to look , she blasted right past me , grabbing my arm and yanking me along .
For anyone tempted to pull pills off with your fingers , Ms. Whiting says don 't. ' You are yanking the yarn it is attached to , ' she says . ' You could end up making it worse . '
Almost all of them claimed that highly risky behaviors were capable of yanking them into the present in a way that no form of therapy could ( one patient , for example , rode his Harley at breakneck speeds whenever he felt himself swirling into a rage or disconnecting from his surroundings ) .