- n.蓍草

And in one individual , they detected compounds found in the medicinal herbs chamomile and yarrow .
Juniper bushes , lavender , bright yellow yarrow and Scotch broom frame an ipe-wood deck .
Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground .
Have you heard the one about the mouse who walked into the yarrow flower ?
For his part , 42-year-old Yarrow , has a very simple mission : to get himself on television as often as possible , without being invited .
This mixture of grasses and yarrow will out-compete the resident weed population , increase water penetration , and improve the microflora and organic matter in our soils .
" As soon as emotions enter into the transaction , you 're going to lose ," says Kit Yarrow , a professor of consumer psychology at Golden Gate University , in San Francisco .
Yarrow Mill poetry reveals the poet how text hovering in the imaginary world , the ego ideal can not be realized in the imagination lies in the poetic language symbols to build a fantasy world .
The flat-pack furniture retailer is looking at using the biodegradable " fungi packaging " as part of its efforts to reduce waste and increase recycling , Joanna Yarrow , head of sustainability for Ikea in the UK said .
Ms Yarrow told the Telegraph that Ikea was looking at introducing mycelium packaging because " a lot of products come in polystyrene , traditionally , which can 't be - or is very difficult to - recycle . "