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  • 网络易经;义净;已经
  1. Usually " YIJING " is thought as a book of divination in the ancient time , but it really contains many folk songs .


  2. Words of old Chinese seem to be mainly monosyllables , YiJing record the change from monosyllables to disyllables .


  3. Theory of language usage in the book " Yijing "


  4. Comments on " Yijing " Study in the Context of Globalization


  5. Yijing ( artistic mood ) is an important concept in the Chinese aesthetics .


  6. The category " Yijing " is artistic and even more philosophical .


  7. To observe clinical cure effect of revised Yijing Decoction treating deficient menopause .


  8. Conveyance of Yijing ( the Artistic Mood ) in the Translation of Classical Chinese Poems


  9. On Reconstructing " Yijing " of Classical Chinese Poetry in English & From Perspective of Reception Aesthetics


  10. What Is " Yijing " 's Interpretation for & Discuss with Mr. Jiang Yin


  11. Yijing An Unattainable Aesthetic Realm for Imagist Poetry A Comparison Between Classic Chinese Verse and Imagist Poetry


  12. Obviously , Yijing stresses the issue of profit set forth to cater to basic need of living , with a primitive and simple moral idea .


  13. According to the usage , the symbols of yaogua are symbolic tokens of YiJing .


  14. Yijing ( artistic mood ) is an important concept of the classic Chinese poetry as well a key to appreciation and interpretation of the classic Chinese poetry .


  15. COCO PARK and Yijing Central Walk , two major shopping centres in Futian CBD , recently introduced new retail brands to the area .


  16. The garden Yijing conception as one of the Chinese classical gardens characteristic is also important and meaningful to modern landscape architecture , and should be inherited and developed .


  17. Yin and Yang , Wu-Xing , and Yijing can decipher the genome .


  18. Eminent Buddhist monks in ancient China such as Faxian , Huining and Yijing lived and studied in Java and Sumatra .


  19. Moreover , the cognitive style of Yijing characterized with cause-and-effect associationexerts great influences upon the Yin-yang & Five-element School in knowing and understanding the world .


  20. This paper intends to illustrate how important it is to reconstruct Yijing in translating such works via the comparative analysis of six versions of Du Mu s Qingming .


  21. In addition , electric home appliance giant SUNDAN and international fast fashion retailer ZARA will open their first stores in Futian CBD area in Yijing Central Walk .


  22. such as Monk Xuanzang ( 602 - 664 ) , who was a prominent Buddhist traveler and translator and Monk Yijing .


  23. And the Feixu cough , diarrhea spleen deficiency , kidney deficiency Yijing , Daixia Dengzheng and frequent urination , the spa fill a certain role .


  24. As we know there are many ancient songs about the ancient society in the book of " YIJING ", such as the labor and social songs , war songs , the natural phenomena songs , and so on .


  25. A inditer'void and quiet breadth of mind is the mental precondition which Yijing is indited , lansigns are the mostly intermedia of Yijing and images'embodiment .


  26. Wang guo-wei thinks that " Yuan-Dynasty zaju play ' best place , not in their thought structure , but in its article ", because Yuan-Dynasty zaju play is lyrical literature essentially , and the first artistic conception of our country traditional poem is " Yijing " .


  27. In defending Confucianism , Han quoted extensively from the Mencius , the Daxue ( " Great Learning " ) , the Zhongyong ( " Doctrine of the Mean " ) , and the Yijing ( " Classic of Changes " ; known to many as Yijing-Ching ) , works that hitherto had been somewhat neglected by Confucians .
