
  • 网络永恒;永恒头盔
  1. Gary Yohe is a professor of economics at Wesleyan University , United States .


  2. Gary Yohe : Communities may be wiped out .


  3. Economists , said Yohe , can quantify what it takes to protect people from storm damage made more intense by climate change .


  4. Gary Yohe : The bottom line for the economics of coastal adaptation , adaptation in general , is to think about managing risk .


  5. The latest IPPC report offers an opportunity to put climate change policies into development agendas , say Gary Yohe and Rodel Lasco .


  6. For Yohe Takayama it 's a little of both .


  7. And coasts , said Yohe , face increased risks from storms , combined with rising seas that could up to a foot or more by mid century .


  8. Unnerved by their fighting , Yohe signed up for the club , to the horror of his father who called it deplorable for a man to act this way .


  9. Gary Yohe and Rodel Lasco are coordinating lead authors of the chapter on perspectives on climate and sustainability in the Working Group II 's report to the IPCC .


  10. Gary Yohe : The economics of protection involve infrastructure , the cost of evacuation , the cost of disrupting the economy of the city , for a couple of days as they return from the storm .


  11. Gary Yohe : If the ocean is now a foot higher , the character of that storm changes dramatically as it hits land * The storm surge is probably at least a foot higher , but depending on the topography could be much higher .
