
美 [ˈjoʊkɪŋ]英 [ˈjəʊkɪŋ]
  • v.(强行)使结合,使联合;给(动物)上轭;用轭把(动物)套在一起
  • n.矿区的分界;配轭
  • yoke的现在分词



  • 1
    N-SING 奴役;束缚;羁绊;枷锁
    If you say that people are under the yoke of a bad thing or person, you mean they are forced to live in a difficult or unhappy state because of that thing or person.

    People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery...


  • 2
    N-COUNT 轭;牛轭
    A yoke is a long piece of wood which is tied across the necks of two animals such as oxen, in order to make them walk close together when they are pulling a plough.

  • 3
    VERB 使强行结合;把…硬拼凑在一起
    If two or more people or things are yoked together, they are forced to be closely linked with each other.

    The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together...


  1. On Elliptic Section Connections Discussion of the Principle in the Yoking Combination Experiment of Transformer


  2. The farmer continued solidly yoking his oxen .


  3. The fear that yoking together such diverse countries would increase tension , rather than reduce it , also appears vindicated : look at the surge of anti-European sentiment inside Germany .


  4. Discussed in detail is the principle for the method in yoking combination of threephase transformer in the course Electric Machine and Load Dragging for the automatic major , mainly on two points : logic construction and mathematic expression .


  5. But it was a foot too narrow , and the other bench in the room was about four inches higher than the planed one-so there was no yoking them .
