
  • 网络区熔再结晶
  1. The structure and electrical properties of silicon film after ZMR are studied .


  2. The different O. Different ZMR processes are studied .


  3. Detection of Molten Zone During SOI - ZMR Process


  4. ZMR ( zone melting recrystallization ) apparatus is introduced , and the processing characteristic of ZMR is studied .


  5. Results show that the grain size of polycrystalline silicon thin films increased to several centimeters long and millimeters width after ZMR .


  6. The ZMR ( Zone Melting Recrystallization ) technique was next introduced to improve the smoothness and crystal quality of SSP and to further improve the quality of the thin film .


  7. By means of zone melting recrystallization ( ZMR ) method , polycrystalline silicon thin films with large grains and relative high carrier mobility were obtained , which could act as a seeding layer .


  8. In this paper , RTCVD method is used not only to prepare silicon seeding layer , which is treated following by ZMR to enlarge the grain size , but also to grow the polycrystalline silicon film as active layer .


  9. Because of their different catalytic activities and chemical properties , different types of ZMR can be adapted to meet various needs of different catalytic reaction . They will probably find wide applications in the construction of catalysis , photonic or electronic materials .


  10. In this paper , such effective techniques as Heat Sink structure and Grooved structure have been proposed to localize grain-boundaries during Zone-Melting - Recrystallization ( ZMR ) . These techniques are the key points of ZMR-SOI technology .


  11. A faceted defect has been found in some ZMR SOI multilayer composite materials as a result of melting and recrystallization of silicon substrate at some isolated spots on its upper surface durin (?) the ZMR processing .


  12. Due to using ZMR method , consistent tropism silicon thin film was obtained , it provides a fine base for fabrication of thin film solar cells . The best efficiency of polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells reached up to 10 21 % .


  13. Moreover , the crystal size of the thin film on SSP ribbon via ZMR is more than 100m , but there is not yet enough evidence to prove that ZMR greatly improves the crystal quality of Poly-Si thin film .


  14. After growing SiO 2 layer with a certain thickness on heavy diffusion inactive C Si wafer , opening windows , then fabricating polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells on it with Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition ( RTCVD ) and Zone Melt Recrystallization ( ZMR ) method .
