
yī jiā zhī zhǔ
  • the head of a family;master of the house;be the boss of a family;goodman of the house;the good man of a house
一家之主 [yī jiā zhī zhǔ]
  • [goodman of the house] 家庭的当家人

一家之主[yī jiā zhī zhǔ]
  1. 只有我这样才像个一家之主呢!

    Only I was a master of the house !

  2. 我只是想向一家之主证明自己的价值

    I 'm just somebody who wants to prove his worth to the master of the house .

  3. 因此我从小到大一直认为男人是一家之主。

    So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house .

  4. 我在厂里好比是一家之主,我不能容忍那种害群之马。

    As the owner of the factory I 'm like the head of a family , and as such I can 't allow any black sheep among my employees .

  5. 在选择伴侣的时候,我们会在潜意识里衡量对方将来是否会是称职的母亲或者父亲,是否会是合格的一家之主。

    In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector .

  6. CPU是中央处理单元的英文缩写。它是计算机的心脏,好比一家之主一样。

    CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit , which is the heart of a computer like the head of a family .

  7. Rex…你是一家之主,你不应该说点什么么?

    BREE : Rex . Seeing as you 're the head of this household , I would really appreciate you saying something .

  8. leannedollman是这个“努力”的一家之主。

    Leanne Dollman is the head of the effort .

  9. 他希望能维护自己一家之主的权威。

    He wished to assert his authority in his own house .

  10. 于是突然间我成了一家之主。

    And suddenly I 'm in charge of my whole family .

  11. 你现在应该算是一家之主了吧。

    I figger you 're the head of the house now .

  12. 你是成年人,是一家之主,而不是孩子!

    You are the adult and the family leader not this baby !

  13. 他不忘自己身为一家之主的责任。

    He bethought himself of his responsibility as head of the house .

  14. 在中国传统家庭中,最年长的男性是一家之主;

    In a traditional Chinese family senior male members held the sway ;

  15. 传统家庭中的丈夫是一家之主。

    The traditional husband was the head of the household .

  16. 下午好,你是一家之主吗?

    Good afternoon , are you the decision maker of the house ?

  17. 艾米的父亲是一家之主。

    Amy 's father is the ruler of her family .

  18. 我太太是一家之主。

    My wife is the boss of the house .

  19. 你们的爸爸是我,我才是一家之主。

    I am the only Daddy you got . I am the damn paterfamilias .

  20. 他是一家之主。

    He is the head of the family .

  21. 我们这里的男性却认为赚钱养家,指使别人做这做那的,就是一家之主。

    Our men think earning money and ordering around others is where power lies .

  22. 他觉得自己已失去应属他作为一家之主的地位。

    He felt he had lost his rightful place as the head of the family .

  23. 我想只要一家之主拿定了主意,就行了。

    I guess if the head of the family wants a thing , that 's enough .

  24. 你要是觉得我是一家之主,我就有权问清楚。

    If I 'm head of the family , I 've got a right to know .

  25. 主妇作为一家之主或母亲的妇女。

    A woman who is the head of a household or the mother of a family .

  26. 你必须知道,你才是一家之主,而什么才是对孩子好。

    You have to decide you are the boss and know what is best for him .

  27. 拉瑞莎:那是你爷爷艾伯特,他是一家之主,对吗?

    Larissa : That 's your Grandfather Albert , the patriarch of the family , right ?

  28. 人们认为谁先踏上地毯,谁就将成为一家之主。

    It is believed that whoever steps on it first will be the master of the household .

  29. 做父亲的很少再象本世纪那样是一家之主了。

    Father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century .

  30. 谢谢您担任我们一家之主,谢谢您的操劳。

    Thank you to be the master of our family , and thank you for your service .