
  • 网络Primary Information
  1. 高压电网一次信息图形化管理系统的设计与实现

    Design of graphical primary information management system for high voltage grid and its implementation

  2. 竞争情报收集中的一次信息和二次信息研究

    Research on the Primary Information Source and Secondary Information Source during the Course of Gathering of CI

  3. 对一次信息的处理实现了基于FPGA的光栅扫描坐标变换和视频处理。

    In the processing of the first information , an implementation of radar raster scan coordinate transform and video processing is realized based on FPGA .

  4. RFID技术受到世界各国的极大关注和高度重视,成为继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后的又一次信息产业浪潮,在众多行业中具有广阔的应用前景。

    RFID technology is paid the great attention by the world countries , It become another time information industry wave , after the Internet and computer , mobile communications network .

  5. 与耳朵相比较,眼睛能应付一次信息的更大的输入。

    Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears .

  6. 云计算的兴起带来了又一次信息革命。

    The Cloud brings us another information revolution .

  7. 基于原始数据及其一次信息的多指标综合评价方法

    An Multi-index Comprehensive Evaluation Method Focusing on the Original Data of Evaluation Index and Their 1st Information

  8. 也就是说,每个签名的产生,只需双方各自发送一次信息。

    Namely , each interactive signature generation requires the requesting user and the signer to transmit only one message each .

  9. 现代雷达光栅扫描显示器在显示二次信息的同时,仍然保留原始雷达回波等一次信息,需要在同一屏幕上混合显示一次和二次信息的视频信号,这是实现中的一个难点。

    The requirement of displaying both original and secondary information with raster display brings a difficulty , mixture of the two video signals .

  10. 要求进行一次信息面试(对职位和行业的信息调查)是更多地了解雇主,在内部建立稳固联系人的好方法。

    A request for an informational interview is a great way to learn more about an employer while making a sturdy contact inside .

  11. 计算机应用于教育堪称是教育领域中的一次信息革命,是教育技术现代化的重要标志。

    Computer applied to education is not only an information revolution in educational field , but also the significant symbol in the modernization of educational technology .

  12. 物联网广泛被人们认为是继计算机、互联网与移动通信网出现之后的又一次信息产业浪潮,并将引导下一次信息革命。

    The internet of things widely think as after the computer , the Internet and mobile communication network appear another time tide information industry , and will guide the the information revolution of next time .

  13. 2009年,物联网在世界范围内获得了前所未有的关注,它被称为继计算机、互联网与移动通信网络之后的又一次信息产业革命。

    In 2009 , the internet of things ( IOT ) received unprecedented attention in the world , which following the computer , Internet and mobile communication network was called as another information industry revolution .

  14. 通信双方互相发送一次信息来确认对方身份,同时实现密钥的安全传输,从而实现安全通信,并且还可以发现攻击者的非法篡改。

    Sender A and receiver B send two message to confirm each other 's identity and exchange a cryptographic key in the meantime , which can realize secure communication and discover any modification to their message by intruders .

  15. 在算法每一次信息交换后,采用自适应的更新策略,根据信息素的均匀度进行信息素的更新,从而避免了早熟和局部收敛。

    The adaptive parallel ant colony algorithm ( APACA ) based on these strategies adaptively updates the pheromone according to the equilibrium of the pheromone distribution in each information exchange so as to avoid the precocity and local convergence .

  16. 美国海关与边境保护局曾表示,如果中国游客拥有“十年美签”,则需要在“签证更新电子系统”上登记一次信息才能去往美国。在此消息发出之后,在网上引发了热议。

    Massive online discussions were triggered after the US Customs and Border Protection agency said Chinese travelers will be required later this year to complete an Electronic Visa Update System to gain entry to the US if they have a 10-year visa .

  17. 物联网被认为是继计算机、互联网和移动通信后的又一次信息产业革命,它的目标是要实现全球范围内任何物体之间的互联和智能服务。

    The Internet of Things ( IOT ) to be considered another revolutionary development after PC , the Internet and mobile communications industry . Its goal is to achieve worldwide interoperability between anything , in anytime , at anyplace and provide intelligent services .

  18. 由于该工具将长期保存对于此AdvancedOptions对话框的所有更改以供稍后使用,因此您只需输入一次这些信息。

    Since the tooling persists all changes to this Advanced Options dialog for later use , you only need to enter this information once .

  19. 尝试运行新版本的Ajax代码,现在就会看到与预期的一样,只显示一次警告信息了。

    Try running this version of the Ajax code and you should only get the alert message one time , which is as it should be .

  20. 采用双口RAM和VRAM双存储器结构,利用FPGA技术,实现了雷达一次视频信息的余辉控制和显示;

    It chooses dual-port RAM-VRAM dual memory structure and FPGA technology to implement the persistence control and display of original video information .

  21. 一次故障信息建模是电网继电保护故障信息系统的基础。首先提出一次故障信息模型,该模型由电网、变电站、间隔、IED等4层组成,IED的一次故障信息模型是其基础。

    As the basis of the grid relay protection and information system , the primary fault information modeling is put forward first , which consists of four hierarchical levels , the grid , substation , bay , and IED , with the IED level fault information model as the foundation .

  22. 这架飞机设定的程序是,每10分钟发送一次位置信息。

    That aircraft had been programmed to transmit its position every 10 minutes .

  23. 每份报纸输入一次该信息&在报纸编码页的右上角。

    Enter this information ONCE for each newspaper-in the top right-hand corner of the newspaper coding sheet .

  24. 周四,在云南省昆明市为大学毕业生安排的一次就业信息发布会上,求职者们在眺望就业信息。

    Jobseekers looked at employment information Thursday at a job fair for college graduates in Kunming , Yunnan province .

  25. 这样的好处是您只需要输入一次这个信息,而不需要为每一个资产注册建立配置。

    The benefit of this is that you need to enter this information only one time , rather than having to recreate configurations for every asset registry .

  26. 在单独的“供应商”表中仅记录一次供应商信息,然后将该表链接到“产品”表,是更好的解决方案。

    Recording the supplier information only once in a separate suppliers table , and then linking that table to the products table , is a much better solution .

  27. 我曾多次到访这个美丽的国家,此行与以往不同,这是一次传递信息之旅,结识朋友之旅,也是巩固友谊之旅,寻求合作之旅。

    I was here in this beautiful country many times , but this trip is different . It is a trip to convey messages and to get to know more friends . It is also a trip to cement our existing friendship and explore further cooperation .

  28. 当下一次访问此信息时,它就会从memcached拉出,而不是从数据库加载,节省了时间和CPU循环。

    The next time the information is accessed , it will be pulled from memcached , rather than loaded from the database , saving you time and CPU cycles .

  29. 不久的将来,可望出现一次新的信息电子革命。

    A new revolution in information electronics is expected in the near future .

  30. 作用于电力一次元件的信息域级联失效模型。

    Information cascading failure model acting on the primary elements of power system .