
  • 网络Sing Together;Sing Togethe;Sing Sing Together
  1. 一起歌唱。

    Sing together , stay together .

  2. 他们喜欢一起歌唱。

    They love to sing together .

  3. 在他开车送我回家的路上,我心中响起了特蕾西·查普曼的歌?quot;给我一个留下的理由,我将会回头……“。不知他心里是否也在和我一起歌唱呢?

    As he drove me home , Tracy Chapman sang , " Give me one reason to stay , and I 'll turn right back around . " Was his heart singing along like mine ?

  4. 我们都需要合着山里所有的声音一起歌唱。

    We needed to sing with all voices of the mountain .

  5. 不知他心里是否也在和我一起歌唱呢?

    Was his heart singing along like mine ?

  6. 我们融洽的在一起歌唱。

    It 's singing together in harmony .

  7. 他日日看管着宙斯的牛羊,却不敢与众神一起歌唱;

    He took care of the goat of Zeus but feared to sing with other gods .

  8. 一起歌唱,跳舞,并享受欢乐;但互相要独立。

    Sing and dance together and be joyous , but let each one of you be alone .

  9. 他们来听他和兄弟唱歌,他们围坐在椅子上,欢笑着和他一起歌唱。

    They came to hear him sing with his brothers , and they sat in chairs around the room and laughed and sang wit him .

  10. 透过学生纯真乐音,传递熟悉的故乡曲调与轻快的巴洛克歌谣,在音乐中忘记藩篱,一起歌唱。

    Through the students'pure voice , the familiar homeland tunes as well as the brisk baroque songs are expressed . Let 's forget earthly troubles in music , and sing together .

  11. 希望有一天,你们有机会在美国相聚,一起跳舞歌唱!

    I hope one day , you two have chance to meet in U.S.singing and dancing together !

  12. 当你身处山巅,朋友会和你一起欢乐地歌唱;当你漫步山谷,朋友会默默地陪伴在你的身边。

    A friend will joyfully sing with you when you are on the mountaintop and silently walk beside you through the valley .

  13. 亲爱的朋友,我们坚信在奥林匹克的圣火指引下,我们能够一起迈步,一起歌唱.

    My dear friends , let us firmly believe that under the guidance of the Olympic Flame , we will march together and sing together ,