
  • In an instant;whistle-stop
一霎那 [yī shà nà]
  • [whistle-stop] 很短暂的一段时间

  • 人生只是在永恒中的一霎那而已

  1. 看到蜡像的一霎那,她们便难以抑制地抽泣起来。

    At the sight of the waxwork they dissolved into sobs .

  2. 我在一霎那间所得的印象,是一个非常精明的知识分子的面孔。

    My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness .

  3. 这位新闻工作者所关心的只是一霎那的时刻。

    The journalist is concerned only with the fugitive moment .

  4. 只有在拍照之前一霎那间才可撤去隔热物。

    The insulation should only be removed immediately before photographing .

  5. 挂断电话的一霎那,晴天霹雳,感觉像是我的世界末日。

    I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended .

  6. 有那么一霎那我很尴尬地想到她要叫我留下来。

    For a ghastly moment I thought she was going to ask me to stay .

  7. 结实的在移动的皮肤就像蝴蝶张开翅膀的一霎那让人眼前一亮。

    The firm , moving skin appears to open up like a beautiful butterfly before our eyes .

  8. 一霎那间魔术师从杯中取出一只鸟。

    In the twinkling of an eye , the conjuror pulled a bird out of a cup .

  9. 这只是一霎那间的事。我简直来不及思索。

    The whole thing occurred in a moment-so quickly that I had no time to realize it .

  10. 当飞机缓缓上升的一霎那,我知道,这一次的起飞,注定了和上次的离开不一样。

    A moment that ought to have lasted for ever , Has come and gone before I knew .

  11. 端看在那一霎那间,你是否可以看见神的平安和恩典蕴藏在那个事件当中。

    Looking at that moment , if you can watch that deity 's safety and grace contain that event .

  12. 但是,就是她准备开动汽车的一霎那,保罗用枪抵住了她的脑袋。

    But just when she wanted to start the car , her head was pointed by Paul 's gun .

  13. 一霎那间,副总统篡权的罪恶意图给总统当头一棒。

    In a flash the evil intent of the vice-president to usurp power hit the president between the eyes .

  14. 不论什么原因,当我突然出现在村子口的土街上时,我都会忘记之前所有的事,记忆只是从进村的那一霎那开始的。

    Whatever the cause , I forgot everything about before since I sudden appeared on the dirt road of the village .

  15. 我已经给了那位伙计很多的忠告。高中阶段并非长久,仅是短暂的一霎那。

    I 'd give that guy a lot of advice : High school doesn 't last forever – it 's temporary .

  16. 因为就在你所追求的到手的一霎那,你没办法也不会再想要它。

    Because the moment , the second you get what you seek , you don 't , you can 't want it anymore .

  17. 但是有时候就在我们最不经意的一霎那,我们会再次听到那遥远的呼唤:呼唤着一种充实,有内涵,富有激情和意义的生活。

    But still , in the times we least expect it , we hear that distant call again : a call for meaning , purpose , passion , significance .

  18. 世界摩托车冠军罗西在家拉窗帘时,不小心被布绊倒,一霎那失去了身体平衡,摔到了玻璃桌上,划伤了他的手和脚。

    The world champion motorcycle rider loses his balance while drawing the curtains in his home , trips over and falls on a glass table , cutting his hand and foot .

  19. 就在那一霎那间,她的身体缺陷消失了,我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩儿,她的笑容使我融化,并几乎立刻使我对人生有了一种新的认识。

    All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl , whose smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about .