
  • 网络Butyl rubber stopper;butyl stopper
  1. 丁基胶塞的细菌内毒素检查法浅析

    Analysis on Bacterial Endotoxin Lest of Butyl Rubber Stopper

  2. 丁基胶塞已经逐步取代天然胶塞,在药品包装行业广泛应用。

    Butyl rubber closures had replaced of natural rubber closures and had been applied in pharmaceutical packaging .

  3. 结果:解决了国产输液用丁基胶塞在使用过程中遇到的质量和技术问题。

    Results Quality and techanical problems during the application of homemade butyl rubbers for infusion container were solved .

  4. 对三年来我院制剂室丁基胶塞的使用情况进行总结。

    Methods To summarize the application of butyl rubber in our preparation department in the last three years .

  5. 煅烧高岭土在药用橡胶瓶塞中的应用煅烧高岭土对卤化丁基胶塞胶性能的影响

    Application of Calcinated Kaolin to CIIR Pharmaceutical Closure Effects of Calcinated Kaolin on Properties of Halogenated Butyl Rubber Stopper

  6. 作者对考察药用丁基胶塞与药物相容性的试验方面提出思考和建议。

    In this paper , we want to introduce some consideration and suggestion to estimate the compatibility between rubber closures and drugs .

  7. 论文首先介绍了丁基胶塞项目的背景,并对拟建该项目的企业(A公司)进行战略定位分析;

    Analyzes the background of the officinal butyl rubber stopper project and the strategic orientation of A company . which proposed the project ;

  8. 结论采用充氮生产工艺和国产的头孢呋辛钠原料以及5种筛选的丁基胶塞,可生产出澄清度和颜色合格的注射用头孢呋辛钠。

    Conclusion Products of qualified clarity and color can be obtained with domestic raw materials and5 selected types of butyl rubber stopper in nitrogen blanketing process .

  9. 但是目前丁基胶塞与药物的相容性问题仍未得到很好的解决,分析丁基胶塞的方法也很有限。

    But now the compatibility between butyl rubber closures and drugs has not been solved , and the analysis methods for butyl rubber closures are limited .

  10. 饱和橡胶丁基胶。煅烧高岭土对卤化丁基胶塞胶性能的影响

    Effects of Calcinated Kaolin on Properties of Halogenated Butyl Rubber Stopper