
  • 网络Ting Hsi-lin
  1. 丁西林在萧伯纳的影响下,高度重视喜剧的语言艺术。

    Dingxilin attached great importance to the language art of comedy under the affection of Shaw .

  2. 作为中国现代喜剧的开拓者之一,丁西林在文学史上的地位逐步得到了确认。

    Being a pioneer of modern Chinese comedy , Ding Xilin had his position in the literary history acknowledged .

  3. 丁西林的喜剧应被理解为易卜生式社会问题剧在中国化过程中最早出现的一种成功的变体,为中国现代话剧艺术的成熟产生了重要作用。

    His come-dy should be considered as an initial and successful variety of Ibsen 's social problem play in China , which played an important role in the maturity of the art of Chinese modern drama .