
  • 网络The Seven Kingdoms
  1. 七大王国没有一条河有她一半宽。

    No river in the Seven Kingdoms is half so wide as this .

  2. 它们喷出的火焰将七大王国融为一体.

    Whose fire forged the Seven Kingdoms into one .

  3. 七大王国也无法弥补我的空虚.

    and Seven Kingdoms couldn 't fill the hole she left behind .

  4. 把抄本送到七大王国每一个角落

    Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm .

  5. 七大王国中最好的领导者具有发掘人才的慧眼。

    The best leaders in the Seven Kingdoms have an eye for talent .

  6. 把剑和矛都留给七大王国,我曾告诉你。

    Save your spears and swords for the Seven Kingdoms , I told you .

  7. 我需要统治七大王国!

    I 've got Seven Kingdoms to rule !

  8. 说枢机会召开。分析研读了。七大王国所有学士的报告。

    The conclave has met , considered reports from Maesters all over the Seven Kingdoms , .

  9. 以后七大王国可不会比现在更适宜进攻。

    The Seven Kingdoms will never be more ripe for conquest than they are right now .

  10. 无论如何,威斯和贝尼奥夫,七大王国的未来就在你们的手上了。

    Regardless , the future of the Seven Kingdoms is in your hands , Weiss and Benioff .

  11. 我得想像一下和我甜美的姐姐和勇敢的哥哥一起统治七大王国的情景。

    I am trying to imagine ruling the Seven Kingdoms with my sweet sister and brave brother beside me .

  12. 把抄本送到七大王国每一个角落。从青亭岛直到长城。

    Send copies of that letter to every corner of the Realm , from the Arbor to the Wall .

  13. 七大王国的巨星们将会以家庭视频聚会形式再次聚首。

    The Seven Kingdoms ' biggest stars will gather together once more in the form of a home video reunion .

  14. 赛尔霍利斯,瓦里萨尔还有福隆泰利斯都是筑墙的大城镇,在七大王国里得称作城市了。

    Selhorys , Valysar , and Volon Therys are walled towns so large they would be cities in the Seven Kingdoms .

  15. 凭借三条龙,塔格利安家族成功征服六大王国,最终统领七大王国。

    Armed with three dragons , House Targaryen managed to conquer and unite six of the Seven Kingdoms under his rule .

  16. 在七大王国中的领头家族正继续争夺权位时,狂热极端宗教势力开始对维斯特洛发起攻势。

    As the leading families of the Seven Kingdoms continue to struggle for power , religious fanaticism begins to take hold in Westeros .

  17. 耶赞的奴隶比七大王国的许多农夫都吃的好药而在即将到来的严冬中也不太可能饿死。

    Yezzan 's slaves ate better than many peasants back in the Seven Kingdoms and were less like to starve to death come winter .

  18. 首相的职责是管理七大王国,结果我连自己家里都管不好。

    The Hand of the King is expected to rule the Seven Kingdoms , yet it seems I cannot even rule my own household .

  19. 事实上,是她把儿子当成傀儡,用自己的虚荣心和无能将七大王国带到了崩溃的边缘。

    Essentially using her son as a puppet , she brings the Seven Kingdoms to the brink of collapse through her own vanity and incompetence .

  20. 作为丹妮莉丝坦格利安是坦格利安家族最后一位在世的成员,她坚定地认为,对七大王国的统治是她与生俱来的权利,因为她故去的父亲曾经就是这些王国的统治者。

    As the last living Targaryen , Daenerys fiercely believes it 's her birthright to control the Seven Kingdoms , formerly ruled by her late father .

  21. 韦赛里斯还给她讲过穷困潦倒的骑士故事,说他们在七大王国街道旁的偏僻小路里睡在老树篱下。

    Viserys told her tales of knights so poor that they had to sleep beneath the ancient hedges that grew along the byways of the Seven Kingdoms .

  22. 把抄本送到七大王国每一个角落我将派你的一个堂弟南下君临去传达我的和谈条件

    Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm . I 'm sending one of your cousins down to King 's Landing with my peace terms .

  23. 不像七大王国里那被误认为大道的泥泞小路,瓦雷利安大道宽的足以允许三辆马车并排行驶,却没有遭受时间和车辆的侵染。

    Unlike the muddy tracks that passed for roads in the Seven Kingdoms , the Valyrian roads were wide enough for three wagons to pass abreast , and neither time nor traffic marred them .

  24. 长城由守夜人军团看守。他们来自七大王国,是一支拥有上千年历史的军团,守护长城边塞的19个要塞堡垒。

    The Wall is manned by the Sworn Brothers of the Night 's Watch , a military order stretching back for thousands of years composed of men from each of the Seven Kingdoms , who occupy nineteen fortresses along its length .